whatever23's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yes! Leaderboards, achievements, and multiplayer! I am mostly interested in local multiplayer.

  • Sounds like an awesome excuse to visit London again! I'd need several months notice though in order to save up for tickets and a place to stay. Maybe you could also plan it during the football season so I can see a game or two while I'm there :)

  • Ummm....this is awesome! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thank you! I know this is common in other engines. Just wasn't sure if it worked the same in html5.

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  • Thank you for the quick response. I just read that post. It's what made me finally pose this question.

    But isn't each sprite created on the layout a new instance? Meaning that each one would contain the 8 frame sprite sheet, variables, etc? Or is it simply drawing that one sprite to the screen in multiple locations?

  • I've got a question about memory and loading sprites. Lets say I have a terrain made of N 32x32 pixel sprites. Suppose that each terrain sprite could have 1 of 8 possible images. Would it be more efficient to create one sprite with a sprite sheet that has all 8 frames? Or would it be more efficient to create 8 different sprites each with 1 frame?

    It seems to me that having each sprite on the layout contain all 8 frames would be more memory intensive than having 8 different sprites each with 1 frame.

    Can anyone answer this?

  • I think you've misunderstood what I'm trying to show. I understand that the the X and Y coordinates on the bumpmap plugin expect a 0-100 value. Anything outside of that range shows no light. That was my intention with what I did.

    I changed my formulas back to match each other. Now, if you mouse over the two sprites you will see that the X coordinate remains the same but the Y coordinate is inverted when the Rotate behavior is added to the sprite.

    Even if I clamped the values from 0-100 the light reflection would still be incorrect.

  • Capx:


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Move the mouse over the sprites to see the lighting effect slowly follow the mouse across it's surface. I've adjusted the events so the behave the same.

    2. See events. I've added comments in the capx to further explain and point out what I'm seeing.

    Observed result:

    Both squares are the same other than the first one has the rotate behavior. In order for the lighting effect to behave the same I needed to modify the math to get the Y parameter under bumpmapping.

    It seems like the math to adjust for the rotating sprite is off.

    I also noticed that with the exact same Z and Intensity parameters the lighting is vastly different.

    Expected result:

    I expected to just copy and paste the small equation and get the same result: A reflection effect that slowly followed the mouse's movement.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: untested

    Internet Explorer: untested

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 sp1

    Construct 2 version:

    r122 & r123

  • I was unable to play the game on an iPad 2. Touch didn't seem to work.

  • Your game is fun and looks great. I had a couple ideas for you though.

    There seemed to be a lot of empty spaces. I know this is a random game but it's more fun if I can collect more items :)

    For me, collecting stone and wood was difficult in that I was not once able to collect enough to upgrade my sword. Maybe it would be possible to trade in two of one resource for one of another at the store?

    Health didn't last me that long. I don't know that I ever made it past level 5 (not being able to upgrade the sword was a huge part of that). Since the game is unending (except death) maybe you change it to buy 2 hearts in stead of one? Getting to a higher level will give a better sense that I actually made it somewhere.

    Keep up the great work! I like what you have done so far and I can't wait to see some of the additions you've mentioned in game.

  • I loved your idea so I stole it for my own Valentine's Day card. Hope you don't mind!

    Happy VD!

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Member since 18 Jun, 2012

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