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  • Nice work! Looks good. I can't wait to see what this turns into.

  • I enjoyed the game. The fuel upgrade made my jetpack last forever to the point of me wanting to kill Jodi in order to get back to the upgrade selection screen. Maybe you could add a "Return to Base" feature?

    I think a enemy encyclopedia page is not necessary IMO. With no weakness/strengths to worry about its not really a useful feature.

    Over all it was a fun little game. Keep up the good work.

  • Wow this is great! Very innovative! It's very simple yet difficult at the same time. This game deserves some more attention.

    Keep up the good work.

    I looked at the How to Play option but I couldn't figure out how to get back so I had to reload the game.

    Edit: Answered your questions.

    For your questions:

    1. About 10 minutes

    2. It had a good ramp up of difficulty. I got stuck on level Daredevil

    3. Innovative. Fun mechanic.

    4. I don't know that there is anything I really disliked. Maybe some suggestions for possible changes. Blinking spikes were kind of annoying because I couldn't see them to time it.


    Currently I can only change gravity when I'm jumping, not falling. It might be nice to change gravity at any time I am in the air?

    When the room spun it seemed to move me a little. Almost seemed like the room spun off center. There were times I would jump near a wall of spikes and the room spinning would throw me into them instead of me falling past them.

  • That was a fun game! Thanks for sharing.

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  • Ahhh. I knew it was going to be something easy. I don't know how I missed the Pick condition. For some reason I was assuming that the comparison condition automatically picked the instance(s) that met those conditions.

    This should get me going. Once I get this figured out I'll start working on how to incorporate the legs into containers.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Haha! Thanks.

    I am still learning the "syntax" for C2. I've read all the manual event pages and searched the forums and tutorials but I'm still missing something....obviously.

  • I'm trying to create this 4 legged thing that moves one leg at a time. The leg that is supposed to be moving is determined by LegState. After the leg reaches a certain angle (Body.Angle+LegAngle) LegState is supposed to increment by one and allow the next leg to move but I can't seem to get it to work.

    Everything I've tried either immediately increments by one and stops or increments every tick. What am I missing?

    I've linked my capx.



  • It was very smooth, but I am also running a fairly decent machine.

  • The Z ordering seemed to work fine to me.

    The acceleration on the character painfully slow, though.

    Can't wait to see more progress!

  • I love it! All digital cards from now on!!

  • Excellent work with the shadows! Reminds me of some original GTA.

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Member since 18 Jun, 2012

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