DankP3's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think s/he wants sites for free to use sounds for a commercial project.

  • Just learning, since haven't used yet, but cannot this be done sequentially since you have to destroy residuals first: Destroy A, make A, destroy B, make B. The second destroy then removing the shared items before recreate.

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  • Yes, this bumping is very annoying to my team, we ended up transferring collision to additional single object collision boxes to work around it. It would be nice, trusting what you say, to implement a solution in the engine.

  • Just an observation from a relative noob.

    The Manual correctly states:

    "Is playing

    True if a given animation is currently set. Animations are identified by their name (case insensitive)."

    If an animation is stopped, it is not playing by definition, is reported by the inspector that playing is false, but "is playing" reports true because the animation is still set.

    I just comment as this seems unnecessarily confusing, the event could be called 'is animation set'. A true 'is animation playing' option would be useful, but can be worked around with booleans.

  • NW.js has same issue as Chrome.

    Edge, IE, Firefox all fine.

  • Both versions give the same issue, I literally updated before my last post and have been experiencing FPS issues in Chrome for a while (been using C2 for only 2 months, but have been discussing issues with Chrome with my team for a little while now - definitely for weeks)

  • Version 50.0.2661.102 m

    Version 51.0.2704.79 m (just updated)

    both giving same issue (i7, 8GB RAM, 64bit Win10)

  • So I also get poor performance with Chrome and would like to know what it is?

    This is particularly evident when running the inspector with the 'inspect' tab. My feeling is that Chrome struggles anyway without the inspector (compared to other browsers, Edge has never dropped FPS on me).

    The above images are from running the same layout and any differences in object counts are purely incidental the FPS readings are stable. Chrome noticeably speeds up when switching from 'Inspect' to 'Profile', suggesting it is having major issues with the inspector?

    I'd appreciate any help in modifying Chrome to make it work (assuming it is a local issue)?


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Member since 28 Mar, 2016

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