really poor performance in latest chrome version

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  • Both versions give the same issue, I literally updated before my last post and have been experiencing FPS issues in Chrome for a while (been using C2 for only 2 months, but have been discussing issues with Chrome with my team for a little while now - definitely for weeks)

  • There's no doubt that Edge gives a better performance compared to chrome since Edge is like Chrome without it's features. I suggest using Node.js browser for a while until it is resolved.

    But honestly, I get 60 fps on my ultrabook (with latest chrome update) without any problem even when the memory usage is 50 mb + and my specs isn't as powerful as yours(Intel HD 5300, 4gb ram, Intel Core M). Same with my phone, 49 ~ 60 fps (specs dependent).

  • NW.js has same issue as Chrome.

    Edge, IE, Firefox all fine.

  • DankP3

    Internet Explorer: CPU Usage: 49~53 FPS: 60

    Node.js : CPU Usage: 35 ~ 38 FPS: 60

    Chrome : CPU Usage: 65 ~ 72 FPS : 60

    Game Image Memory : 49.7mb

    I made a test to compare the CPU Usage now: It shows here that Chrome does use an awful of CPU compared to the others but not noticeable in my case. I really can't say more because of our test result difference but if there is something wrong with Chrome then we can't do anything but wait.

    Though, It is quite surprising that IE beats Chrome.

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  • DankP3

    Did you find a solution ? We're developing HTML5 games and we're seeing the exact same thing with the recent Chrome update (late spring/early summer). Canvas is just terrible (30fps and stuttering) while IE, Edge, FF etc. are all 60fps super-smooth.

  • RasmusTheRaccoon

    No Answer I am afraid. I assume you mean when running the Inspector, which I simply do not do in Chrome or NW.js anymore unless I have a very good reason. I think Edge and IE are still faster and less burdened than Chrome without the Inspector, but the inspectors (Inspect mode) in Chrome is seemingly a waste of time.

  • OK, thanks DankP3

  • If you absolutely need to run the inspector on Chrome, I have a good trick for it - just resize the game window down and it'll run great, even with the inspector on.

  • Disable hardware acceleration in Chrome settings and restart the browser, See if it fixes the lag.

    Tip: enter this url => chrome://flags

  • Disable hardware acceleration in Chrome settings and restart the browser, See if it fixes the lag.

    Tip: enter this url => chrome://flags

    Disabling hardware acceleration via the settings reduces the FPS further and iirc doesn't allow webGL either.

  • Check also : chrome://gpu

    I'm not using Chrome, imho its overrated and uses an unjustifiable high amount of CPU, Firefox is the way to go for testing your projects since its the most WebGL compatible browser at this time.

    Also if you check this article: ... Whitelists

    You'll notice that Google Chrome has some compatibilty issues with a lot of graphic cards. So mayb your GPU and Chrome don't go well together.

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