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  • Really useful stuff - the whole logic is getting very compact and straight forward. Thanks, rexrainbow!

  • I mean the event editor in C2.

    The event editor is a sort of sandbox-puzzle-metagame. You manipulate events and conditions like game piceses.

    The rewarding effect is that your dreams come true.

  • Yes, it works now! In combination with your "Function" plugin it will be possible to create miracles.

  • I'm going to try it now.

    Just tried the plug-in and I can say, that I will be using it heavily, but I found one issue: if you try to get a nickname from a family member, it always gives the nickname of the first member. Here's the .capx to try it:



  • Thanks, man - that will be extremely useful.

  • That's great!

    If I understand you right, there could be following conditions for picking up instances:

    1) pick all instances with a certain tag: tag>all

    2) pick specific instances (e.g. by ID or instance variable) with a certain tag: tag>ID or tag>variable

    Looking forwar to test your "Nickname plugin".

  • Cool, that will be usefull!

    I'll try to define a requirment:

    I think it will make sence to implement it as a behaviour, which can be added to basic object types (like families, sprites, tiled backgrounds, text etc.) Methods of the behaviour could be accesed through actions dialogue. Tag could be defiened in the behaviour properties or by an action.

    In the actions menu there are 3 methods

    1) Create object by tag

    2) Set objects tag name

    3) Pick objetc by tag (if it makes sence)

    rexrainbow, thanks for your help

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  • Great, thanks man!

  • For example, extending sprite class with some custom "methods", which could be accessed through events and actions. As far as I understand behaviour system has exactly this function. May in the feature it will be possible to write nested event logic with visual editor inside an object type, which could be accessed like a method.

    Another example is defining a new/custom class type. But again, behaviours and plugins are the answer.

    May be there are some good practices, how to structure event logic, so it resembles some OOP concepts.

  • Hi there,

    just wanted to read your opinions on OOP possibilities in construct. What I miss right now (or don't get) is the way of defining custom objects in construct without using plugin API.

  • So basically this plugin would have its own method "create object by tag"?

  • Oh, nice!

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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