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  • Wow, dude - accept my deepest gratitude. It's a pleasure to "work" with you, for real.

  • Many thanks, man.

  • Thanx man,

    Great, now I can get width and height.

    I already noticed "ResetBoard" method, but the problem is, that after setting new dimensions, entire board information is lost. Of course it is possible to "refill" the board with instances from layout again using Physical Coordinates to Logical Coordinates (or your layout to board plugin), but I assume that under some circumstances it can cause glitches, e.g. if instance is being animated or something like that.

    Another solution could be saving the board information somewhere and than load it after setting new dimensions.

  • Hey rexrainbow,

    I'm using your board plugin's pack a lot - real time saver.

    Will it be diffcult to implement the following features?

    1)Set board height and width (number of elements on the X/Y axes) in run-time (like in event editor). Similar method as in Array Object (Array.setSize)

    2)Get board height & width

  • That's definitively the right stimulus to learn C2 js API. Imagine building a real time sound generator based on some game mechanics with help of C2 event editor, or a looper.

  • Yes, I'm also very much looking forward to it: using audio-filters interactively or even build a game using microphone input (amplitude comparison, FFT etc.)

  • It's "the thing" which is really frustrating about C2 at the beginning. You can't pick the Sprite1 by UID untill the whole "event chain" is finished (function2 is a part of this event chain, because it was called by the function1). The thing is Sprite1 is already picked right after it is being created. There's a small hack, how to solve this problem: before picking Sprite1 by UID use "wait 0 seconds" command (this command breaks the event chain). But beware, that under some circumstances the whole thing could be unstable because of this hack. Or call function2 from the separate event. I really dislike this "feature".

  • Really looking forward to check it out

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  • Could you be more specific and provide a sample .capx or at least a screenshot of the logic?

  • Wow, that's exactly what I need for my current project!

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  • I'm running your node.js server on my local machine and it works like a charm right now, there's no delay.

    I just wanted to know, whether you updated anything the server source code.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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