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  • Oh, thanks R0J0hound for an example (it's very clean). I managed to do it like this:


    Right now I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to connect chambers. I thought about using a test-sprite and scaling it into a 4 directions and than test if it overlaps. Or may be pathfinding. Is there any C2 specific techniques for this kind of stuff?

  • Hello guys,

    Any idea how to save tree data structures in C2 - e.g. SpriteUID's? I need it to save a BSP tree of sprites for procedurally generated dungeon.


    I can save this information in local variables of sprites, but i think may be using data structures is nicer.


  • Yes I understand, but the thing is, when the page is visited for the first time the event "Is Downloading Update" ist still trigered, but "On Update Ready" is not trigered.

  • Hello fellas,

    This problem appears only in chrome and safari, firefox works well. I'm using browser object "Is downloading update" and "On update ready" to force update on the client. It's weird, but the first time the page is being loaded "On update ready" is not trigered. After you refreshed the page and uploaded a new update it works.

    And yes, I upload all game files including "offline.appcache"

    I think I even saw this behavior on some game on Scirra Arcade. The guy wrote in the description "If you stuck on downloading update, please refresh the page."

    Any ideas how to fix it?

  • I just want to confirm, that the plugin is working great and it's very easy to use. It even works in a real time game, though I don't know how many users could be handled by the server.

    For development purposes I suggest to set up a node.js server locally (it's easy) - much more controll.

  • I think it could be cool to be able to connect C2 event system to any desired framework. I mean automatically. E.g. Java, C++, AS3, Anything. Like it scans it's documentation and adapts the event system and than compiles into everything you want.

  • OHA, OK - Yes, they have family behaviors.

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  • Hello there,

    After updating to r121 I noticed, that all 3rd party plugins involving tweening (MoveTo, EasyTween) slowed down. Now I have to heavily decrease the duration parameter in order to achieve the desired speed.

    Is it an intentional change in the API or a bug?

  • Ok, it works - it is just an obligatory check if advanced audio supported.

    I like how you can use event system interface for creating realtime audio manipulations: like modulating effect parameters with sprite coordintes - it is only the beginning.

    Here's a quick basic example. Imagine adding an animation, collision events etc:


  • Hello fellas,

    I can't find the option for enabling Audio FX in the audio object: "Advanced audio supported condition".I looked for it in the object and in the events.

    Any idea?

  • Cool, that could be usefull for asynchronous online multiplayer battles.

  • Yeah, another one which I'm missing, is the ability to set origin points in the tiled background, at least in all corners and all centers/middles.

    Another way around: tiling option in the sprite object would be super-usefull.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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