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  • Hello there,

    I'm building an arcade pool-like game with physics. There's an issue with the physics engine: in order for the balls to bounce properly from the borders (with the correct angle of reflection), prevent rotation should be set NO. But if the prevent rotation is set to NO, the actual IMAGE is getting rotated, which looks weird, because light reflexes and shadows on the balls are getting rotated too.

    Basically only collision polygon should be rotated and not the actual sprite.

    The only solution which comes to my mind is to use invisible sprites for collision calculation and pin another sprites on top of them, which is waste of resources.

    Are there any solutions for this, apart from that?

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  • Ah, I see - it works only in chrome.

  • I tried to open it in two browser windows, but didn't see any messages I posted in chat.

  • It looks like you have to figure out how to install socket.io library properly. Just try to do everything step by step: 1) first instal nodejs and test it with basic examples from officail page 2)than socket.io and test it 3) setup bottleneck plugin and test it with examples by rexrainbow.

    I suggest to try it locally first. Note, that you have to change channels url's for bottleneck and lobby plugin like this "localhost:8099/game" and "localhost:8099/lobby". May be you have to change the port to something differrent.

    I'm using this plugin a lot for my multiplayer prototypes testing and I must say it is brilliant and very easy to use, though it has some issues.

  • A question rexrainbow about nodejs server:

    Is it possible to log what's happening on the server, like player names room id's, how many players are online etc.

  • What solution did you get? Cause I'm also having troubles with different browsers.

  • You can find it in the browser object:

    Browser>On suspended

    But this condition also includes, switching the tab or minimizing the browser

  • Ok, thanks man, with the help of your example I have figured out another way how to achieve that. But the issue with "OnUpdateReady" is still there, cause it's not get triggered on the first time loading.

  • So, it is still an issue: Browser>OnUpdateReady is not triggered, when the page is loaded for the first time (when it wasn't cached before). Loading progress shows 100%, but this event is not triggered. I checked everything possible and my server supports .appcache MIME-type.

    If it was cached one time, onUpdateReady works.

  • In my opinion, if it is a mass market platform (desktop, mobile, web)- it does not really matter where to publish. What does really matter is how you conceptualize and integrate your business model into the gameplay, which should be designed with your target group in mind.

    You should consider this questions first:

    • Core game play (e.g. if you wanna reach a mass market you should go for super-straight forward things, interactions should be clear, no frustrations, but the gameplay should be meaningful and with depth)
    • Setting: gfx, story etc. There are some rules of thumbs like polished and straight gfx, progression indicators etc, no SciFi or fantasy.
    • What is your "viral" strategy?
    • What is your business model (how are you going to monetize)
    • Metagames are the most important (user retention & engagament) There are some good examples of games in appstore, which are great because of very well designed metagames (e.g. Puzzle Craft)

    There are many games in appstore and google play, but only may be 10-5% are vere well designed products. There are tons of nice and easy games, which are easy to pick, but the lack depth and you throw them away after playing them a couple of times. So I think there's always room for cool stuff, no matter how saturated the market is.

  • Stop yelling at C2 - it's the best game engine in the world.

    Just tested a physics/collisons game in safari on iPhone5 - runs smooth like a hot knife through the butter with like more than 30 objects on stage.

    Runs between 50-60 FPS.

  • My favourites:

    1. Nickname (which lets you create instances by name)

    2. MoveTo & EasyTween

    3. Instance Group (very versatile thing for manipulating instances)

    4. Function

    5. File Saver

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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