xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Bookmarking doesn't work. I'm also getting the 404 Error.

  • Tom

    Currently something is seriously wrong with the layout. I think it's kind of liquid layout, and on my second 3:4 monitor all the elements are displaced (in forum home and sub-categories).

  • Ah, thanks. Now I leveled up my "picking" knowledge!

    That's powerful: PickByEvaluate: (Object.Name<>"Red") & (Object.Name<>"Blue") & (Object.Name<>"Green")

    The operator <> is listed in the manual, but it's not described as "not equal". And this notation is not very obvious.

  • Oh, that's nice.

    But, in the pickByEvaluate it's not possible to use "not equal" !=

  • This will of course work, but if you have more complex picking conditions, involving another comparisons, this "or-blocks" start to get very messy and under some circumstances doesn't work.

    And you can save lots of space, if it would be possible to pick by comparing strings expressions.

  • Hello there,


    Just noticed, that it's not possible to compare strings in the "Pick by comparison". Why not? It would be so handy to write something like this:

    Pick Objects


    =! Not equal

    "Red" | "Green" | Blue

  • There's not enough white space between topic titles - it's a way harder to scan them through and distinguish between each other. Solution: reduce font size of the topic titles or add more white space (padding) above and at the bottom.

  • I see, forum look is gradually changing: animated gif's are gone and typo improved. If the curved dark bar in the thread post would disappear, the whole thing would look less cluttered.

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  • Yep, I posted in the wrong place, this should go into "Website issues"

  • Separation between forum posts should be achieved mostly by white space and typo. Colored bars in the thread posts, especially curved dark bar, is "fancy stuff", which takes extra processing power from brain each time you scan from top to bottom, eyes are getting tired from that. And new "typography" is a mess.

    Just take a look at the hacker news or redit - pure information processing, nothing distracts you.

  • Hello there,


    just feedback to a new forum look:

    • animated gif icons are constantly distracting from scanning the threads
    • typography is a disaster (the previous forum skin was a way better in this regard)
    • many unnecessary graphical elements (like colored bars in the forum posts)
    • not clean and feels unstructured

    previous skin was good enough

  • Can't believe that this feature will not be super-usefull ;)

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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