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  • Hello fellas,


    Don't know if it's bug or feature or I'm doing something wrong, but local string variables do not get synced.

  • OK, after reading the third MP-tutorial, I think there should be "ball hits paddle" lag compensation, in order to solve the above mentioned issues.

  • The thing is, when the peer only renders data from the host including paddle and ball movement, there's an unpleasant lag in response to the peer's input. If I move the paddle in the peer directly + sending inputs onClientUpdate (e.g. with 8 direction behavior), than I get this synchronization issues. In the shooter example, peer also moves the soldier directly with 8 direction behavior. I don't like how I've expressed myself, but I hope you understand what I mean.

  • I built it similar to the multiplayer shooter example and it almost works, except of those issues which I mentioned above. Paddles are peers, bullet physics is calculated in the host, peer displays only position change which is broadcasted from the host.

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  • I really like the new multiplayer plugin and find it user friendly and intuitive to use. Oversimplifying such functionality is not a good idea.

  • Unfortunately disabling all behaviors on the peer's side didn't help.

    Sometimes the ball doesn't reflect from the paddle or goes through the paddle on the peer's side (like at the moment when the paddle is being moved). I do understand why: the trajectory which was calculated on the host is not 100% in sync with paddle position on the peer side.

    I also tried disabling this on the peer side: getbit(Peer.inputs,0)=1 > Peer Simulate 8Direction pressing UP. Which mean the paddle is being moved only by position syncing from the host. In this case everything is displayed correctly, but movement happens with delay.

  • Ok, I'll try that.

  • May be I shouldn't use a bullet behavior on the ball, but calculate reflection angle as a synced variable and animate the ball's position manually? Something like lasers are implemented in the multiplayer example?

  • Hello fellas,

    following question: what is the best way to implement/synchronize the ball in the pong using C2 multiplayer plugin.

    The ball has bullet physics reflecting from solids. Normally on the host everything is displayed correctly, but on the peer sometimes the ball behaves not as expected, I think it's because of position syncing from the host. So the problem here, that the same ball is shared by host and peers and should be synchronized from both sides. Any ideas?

  • Construct 2 is a messiah of game development. It's main strength is an event editor, which is joy to work with - it's reflecting the way I'm thinking in terms of program logic. This editor brings together the best components of visual and traditional coding and I will not call it a visual editor, it's visually aided. There's nothing comparable on the market. Sure it would be good, if it could export to native, but I'm totally fine with HTML5.

  • Sounds good.

  • Hello there,


    Just read the half of MP-Tutorial. The following question arises:

    Will it be possible to use own signalling server? Do you guys give access to your signalling server sources, so it could be run on the own server? What server technology do you use? May be node.js?

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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