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  • edwardr

    you can count objects by the method I described above^

  • Yann

    Very usefull plugin, but I think there's a bug in "Get Size" method:

    for each property at current > JSON.Size(JSON.CurrentKey) always returns 2, no matter how I try

    OK, found it out. It should be similar to the array's "Length" method, with an argument (1):

    for each property at current >JSON.Size(1)

  • I think difficulty increase is another topic, could be achieved by spawning more or harder enemies/obstacles.

  • Check it out, not that complicated actually, but many useful techniques:

    Spelunky level generation:


  • Thanks, ist's basically the same as with mySQL posts.

  • Hello fellas,

    I know there's a way to download array/string/dictionary data as a file, but what I'm looking for is the possibility to save into previously imported project file. Is it possible?

  • Hello fellas,

    after reading this post I instantly thought about C2 event system:


    I'm developing a 3D game with unity right now and struggle a lot with components structure and restrictions of C#, want to find a way how to program in Unity similar to C2 event system.

  • zenox98 very basic functionality works, but try to use seek method on run time, for example.

    Each time I try to use this behavior in my projects, everything starts well, but ends up into a weird mess and I have to reimplement all tweening with lerp/clamp or moveTo behavior by rexrainbow (which works very well).

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  • this behavior is pretty buggy

  • Thanks, I think I understand how it's implemented.

  • I think I get that, but it is interesting how is it implemented in code: is it some sort of temporary boolean or a "class/method" which is taking care of that and how?

    Currently i'm just setteing a boolean true/false - (condition && bolean==true) is triggered, I set boolean to false. Than I have to set it back to true on other condition. It works, but it means I have to create separate booleans for different conditions, which I want to check "on trigger once true". C2 is really joy to work with all its helper functions.

  • Hello fellas,

    Does anybody know how condition "trigger once while true" works in terms of "classical" code. I'm trying to achieve the same effect in Unity with C# using booeans, but I think the way I'm doing it is not abstract enough, so that I have to create different booleans for different conditions and set them on/off all the time. Should it be a separate object/class or something like that?

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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