xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    will it be possible to write JS code directly in C2 and have access to all engine classes, methods etc? Something similar to unity script and the way scripting is implemented in unity? C2 event system is cool and fast, but unfortunatelly writing more complex logic is slow (perfomanse wise) and sometimes confusing. I know, there's C2 JS SDK, but it's a different story.

  • Ashley

    Hmm, it is only possible to place conditions above "Is Overlaping", which I tried and it does not work for objects from the same family. Example: family consisting of one sprite but with instances with different local variables (name)

    SpriteFamily.name != Sprite.name

    SpriteFamily Is Overlaping Sprite

    Does not register any collisions.

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  • Hello fellas,

    the game I develop right now has about 300 sprites, which act like physical particles. Some of the game play mechanics is based on collision checks between sprites. This particles form clusters, where they kind of touching each other and that's a lot of collision checks, which are redundant and decrease perfomance. I need to check for collision when to particles with different attributes collide, but as long as I do > Sprite on collision with another Sprite - the engine checks for all the collisions even if I specify conditions.

    The question is - is it possible to "filter" collision checks with conditions?

  • Yep, having the same problems - something is seriously broken in this version.

  • Great!

  • iwontnamemyself - you can do it with recursive function, by checking neighbors of the same color. I made an example capx for you:


    But detecting custom shapes and doing other match3 magic like collapsing etc is a bit more complicated, may be you can use board series of plugins by rexrainbow.

  • Very intresting, as official multiplayer sometimes does not always work because of router configs.

  • Great news jayderyu

  • R0J0hound

    Actually I'm trying to implement "collision" vectors of different lengths and directions, to check for possible collisions.

  • I noticed a certain performance drop while doing this looped "overlap at offset" checks, especially was very evident on a mobile browser.

  • Indeed, that's a hell of a problem. May be it's time to write my first plugin

  • Hey there,


    Just a small feature suggestion: "overlap within range" - checks if an object overlaps with another one within given range offset on X,Y.

    e.g. overlaps at x [startRange,endRange]

    First I thought that's how Overlap at Offset works, but no. It's only possible by using loops, e.g. repeat 5 times> object overlaps at offset x: loopindex*object.width. If checked like this on every tick tick with multiple objects, the performance drastically drops.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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