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  • Okay, I finally understood the whole thing, I'm going to explain it if anybody else, like me, had trouble with it...

    I made my .TMX withe Tiled Map editor and in the Tileset editor on the bottom right, I rightclicked every tile and set a propoertie named "solid" with value 0 and value 1 for the things I want to have collision.

    In C2 I created a new Sprite the size of my tile and added the tile sheet I used for the tiled map as an sprite strip animation.

    Then created the events as Rex's examples an there I had it :) . . . at first was difficult to understand haha.

    Thank you very much for this useful plugin!!!

  • Yes, I know Rex and the part that really was confusing was the number 2- for my first post... Is beacuse I got the text on notepad but there�s nothing similiar to yours at this part:

    The order, I find this labels:


        <property name='solid' value='1'/>



    <tile id='1'>


        <property name='solid' value='1'/>


    So, my question was if you wrote yourself or was in your .tmx text already?

    and the other question was:

    3- There is a sprite named Tile that has all the tileset images inside as animation frames �Where did you get this sprite or how can I make it?

    PS. I've also read the first post, I don't like to ask anoyingly without even reading the whole thread, is just that I don�t really understand about those things I ask :/

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  • ummm but I don't know how to export or get that String from the Tiled map editor program... is ther an option?? (As I said, I saved my map as the regular .tmx and openned that file with the notebook, but I'm not sure if that's what i should do)

  • Hi! Somebody would be kind to upload an example or demo to check it out in action? Thanks!

  • Hello. I'm really new to this tiled map creation so there are a lot of things I don't understand, I hope you could help me.

    1- How do you get the string from your TMX file? I tried opening it with the notepad but I'm not sure is correct. Maybe because is not oredered like Rex example... but.

    2- The order, I find this labels:


        <property name='solid' value='1'/>



    <tile id='1'>


        <property name='solid' value='1'/>


    Did you write them by hand for each tile? or how can I get them? and that leads me to my last question, which is the one that confuses me more.

    3- There is a sprite named Tile that has all the tileset images inside as animation frames �Where did you get this sprite or how can I make it?

    Thanks guys and thanks Rex for this awesome plugins, I hope I just don't sound too ignorant about them XD

  • oh thanks KFC, I found a workaround without the html page :)

  • is just I wanted to pause the game if accidentally the user clicks out of it, for example if click on a button that is not in my game screen... I wanted it to be a global function to always pause if this happens, trying to make it easy instead of communicating to the html of the page, but I guess is not that simple :/

  • Hello, I need to know if there is a way to determine if the user clicked outside the game screen, so I can pause the game if this happens.


  • I haven?t tried yet, but thank you very much for the answer :)

    [EDIT]: I tried now and it works perfect!!! THANKS :D!!

  • Yes, I understand. I was referring to the countdown format, let's say I want my game to last 10 minutes (10:00) then I want it to be displayed as 10:00 not a 600 seconds countdown. Is better explained now jeje?

  • Hello!

    Is there a way to make a realtime countdown? like, I want my game to last 2:00 minutes and make it countdown 1:59, 1:58 . . .


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