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  • R0J0hound

    I have already done it but the produced laser will be on the exact same place as the first one

  • Ken95

    The process? It's basically just finding the intersection between lines a bunch of times. The objects have a border made up of lines and the ray is a line. You can just place the lines of the objects manually or use math to place them.

    It finds all the lines that intersect the ray, then uses the intersection closest to the start of the ray. From there you can calculate the normal of where the lines intersect and in turn calculate the reflection angle. Then it's just a matter of setting the ray to be from the intersection going at the reflection angle and repeating the process a number of times.

    The calculating of the line intersections and reflection angles is easily found in a search engine.

    here is my capx mr r0j0hound. ... .capx?dl=0

    there are two laser machines that produces the laser beam.

    the problem is that only one of the laser machines produces the beams.

    would you please fix my event sheet so that it produces 2 laser beam with each has its own reflecting properties. O would be glad if i fixed that problem. Thanks in advance

  • ... .capx?dl=0

    here is my capx mr r0j0hound.

    there are two laser machines that produces the laser beam.

    the problem is that only one of the laser machines produces the beams.

    would you please fix my event sheet so that it produces 2 laser beam with each has its own reflecting properties. O would be glad if i fixed that problem. Thanks in advance

  • R0J0hound[ how does this process works? could you please attach a detailed documentation on your algorithm?

  • Yes. I Already saw that But i want to understand how the processes works

  • Hi Guys. I am currently working on a project and i am stuck on a certain problem.

    I wanted to make a laser beam but i cant think of away on implementing it.

    I cant even think what algorithm i will use.

    I was thinking of a laser like in the games "Can't Turn It Off" and "Reflector Game 1 & 2"

    Would any one teach me what algorithm i should use?

    It would be an honor

    Thanks in Return

  • Mr Animmaniac, I cannot contact you via private messages and i wanted to ask something.

    I just wanted to know HOW you did the Lazer's algorithm on your game "Can't Turn it off"

    It would be such a great honor if you would answer my Question. Thank you

  • Have you tried the algorithm that for every camera movement, create an invisible solid object at a desired position outside of camera view?

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  • Try. For every pick =

    Add ACTION - System - add to - (Name of global variable you stored it in) - add 1

  • If you want your mouse cursor style to be a sprite,

    try this:

    1) Mouse | Cursor is over poweroff | mouse | set cursor to hand

    2) System | else | Mouse | Set cursor from sprite "Your Sprite" Sprite

    3) Mouse | Cursor is over reset | mouse | set cursor to hand

    4) repeating step 3 for all other objects you need to select from.

  • It is because he only used a single sprite. try making individual sprites for different objects. Here's a sample capx i made

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Member since 7 Mar, 2016

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