I want to show off my first selfmade creation!
Its a space shooter that is based on the TV show StarTrek.
To move use the arrow-keys.
Shooting with left-mouse.
Your ship wraps trough the borders.
or go on my wbsite (there is a link <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )
www.html5games.de.tl (yeah some of it is in german)
EDIT: yeah actually i know that you can see (some sort of it) trough the ship (dont know why?)
v1.3 to v1.4:
Added PHASERS (Laser- dealing 0.5 damage per shot)
New Dialog
Torpedos are limited (50)
v1.2 to v1.3:
Added more dialoges with Worf
Shields resupply 100% (50hitpoints)
when entering Level 3
v1.1 to v1.2:
Added Shields
Added a dialog with Worf (thema: shields)
v1.0 to v1.1:
Now there are 3 levels:
Level 1: starting level 1 enemy every 5s
Level 2: starts with 600 points 2 enemies every 5s
Level 3: starts with 1600 points 3 enemies every 5s
There will NEVER be more than 10-12 enemies at once!!!