R0J0hound The
Prominent example doesn't seam to work https://www.dropbox.com/s/9286l0hy9pp9etk/tst.capx?dl=0
I fixed your capx: http://1drv.ms/1P1WOhr
You were doing various things wrong.
You set the joint at 0x0y of the layout(not the object).
You also have to move the object to the pathfinding object first before connecting them I think.
You had the object all on the same physics layer, so they were colliding.
I also, changed the joint type to a dampened spring, adjust the mass of the blue objects, dampened their velocities so they don't stay springy..
Also changed them to circles which should help with collisions, but might be fine either way.
..You might also want to consider putting these into a family and put the physics behavior on the family, in-case you plan to have multiple sprites/objects using physics together.