The creator said he's no longer updating it. It also contains a lot of errors and problems and its slow, that's the main reasons why I don't use it.
This is exactly what I'm trying to do as well, unfortunately no luck yet. Would be very much appreciated if someone shows a way.
A person receives a certain score for my game, is it possible for them to send the score to me with a click of a button? Like through email or something like that?
I just need some sort of leaderboard that is not Playmotic and this is one of the ideas I was thinking of.
Here's a recovered project again: Last time, the Keyboard object became corrupt. This time, the Mouse object became corrupt. I really want to fix this problem so it never happens again, but I cannot find what the problem is without steps to reproduce the problem! Anything you can remember you were doing before the problem happened would be useful...
Here's a recovered project again:
Last time, the Keyboard object became corrupt.
This time, the Mouse object became corrupt.
I really want to fix this problem so it never happens again, but I cannot find what the problem is without steps to reproduce the problem! Anything you can remember you were doing before the problem happened would be useful...
I wish I could, don't remember at all.
No, I didn't know what happened to both of them.
This started happening again everytime i click play
<img src="" border="0" />
Yeah i got the correct folder, it had exactly the same name as my project, I also already tried to search for the appmobixdk folder.
I have been following this tutorial on how to export an app to appmobi:
But when i get up to the bit where i export the files into the 'Documents\AppMobi XDK\MyCompany.MyProject\3.4.0\' I cannot find such path even though i have not modified anything.
Though i did find a file called _xdk_analyctics and it had a folder which was named myproject which is the project name i created for it. So i exported the files to there though it won't show up on the simulator when i refresh it.
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Is there anyway to make a leaderboard other then the playtomic one? That one has delay in submiting score and it does not work for me needs. I need a leaderboard that can make the smallest score first and submits scores onto the leaderboard instantly. Can anyone help?
Ahh thanks alot! got it working.
I probably got it all wrong.
What I'm trying to do is to make more score reset when I click space bar.
I tried to follow your >System: set "score to 0" when you press space bar. but what do I click after I click system?
Member since 24 Apr, 2012