Sounds like a good idea. Here's I how would approach it:
Add the words to a project file, either in JSON format or just on separate lines.
At the start of the game, load the words from the file into an array.
At the start of the level, choose a random word from the array (goalWord).
Shuffle the letters in goalWord to create the misspelling and display that.
Start spawning letters - the letters from the goalWord plus some random ones.
The letters are a sprite with an animation for each letter - the animation name is the letter "a", "b", "c"...
When the letter hits the bucket then add it's animation name to a string (guessWord).
Compare guessWord with goalWord. If guessWord has length n, compare it to the first n characters in goalWord. If they don't match -> LOSE.
Keep going until the length of guessWord = length of goalWord. If they match -> WIN, else -> LOSE.