Are you looking for something like flashlight effect?
Flashlight example
It's sprite with 'destination out' set as blend mode, the layer is non transparent with black fill.
Global variable InstancesDestroyed (or scoreMultiplier, which ever is the fitting)
->On object destroyed: increment variable
Wouldn't more logical approach be to use 'on created trigger' for your object?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
vee41 Awesome! but it only destroys 3 blocks in vertical and horizontal, it doesn't even destroy blocks in chain way like snake.
You could replace the 'For each 3 continuous symbols' with 'for each 2d template pattern', in which you define correct patterns. But I didn't realize it was this sort of mechanic you were looking for so Rojohounds solution is more efficient in this case!
Add variable monstersSlain.
Everytime you kill a monster add 1 to that variable.
When monstersSlain equals 12, go to layout 2 and setmonstersSlain back to 0.
Yes, there is option for it at the preferences. Click the little 'list' icon at the top left.
Is it possible to detect when all instance of a sprite have stopped tweening. Want to know when all tweens are finished. Example below shows a bunch of sprites tweening in but the progress for the sprite is set to 1 before the last one has finished.
Is it possible to detect when all instance of a sprite have stopped tweening.
Want to know when all tweens are finished.
Example below shows a bunch of sprites tweening in but the progress for the sprite is set to 1 before the last one has finished.
You could do that by adding 'Is easetween active' below your every tick event. This would make the event run as long as there is any tweening going on with those objects.
Or something more appropriate could be:
on easetween end
pick all tweenObjects
is easeween active
.. do stuff
This would check at end of every tween if any other tweens are going on.
Check out this manual entry about event sheets. :)
vee41 I've used this plugin before BUT it requires huge dependence walker. eg. More required plugins. I didn't understand how to use these plugins. I've contacted with rexrainbow via PM he could explain is how to make very simple, (not swappable blocks, just click a block with other same blocks together to explode) but he is still very busy at moment... It's hopeless
vee41 I've used this plugin before BUT it requires huge dependence walker. eg. More required plugins. I didn't understand how to use these plugins.
I've contacted with rexrainbow via PM he could explain is how to make very simple, (not swappable blocks, just click a block with other same blocks together to explode) but he is still very busy at moment...
It's hopeless
Here is simple example of destroying matched blocks on click thingy with matcher/board. 6 events, hopefully this is of some help :)
Here is the link
Requires plugins:
Instance Group
You could use ajax / php to communicate with database, here is manual entry for ajax.
If you are looking for something more simple, checkout webstorage object.
Yes it would probably be 'on start of layout' event :) Here are some guidelines about how you could keep your event sheets organized! :)
Check this plugin out, should be useful. :)
Here are couple of examples:
Forest generation Not originally by me, I've only edited most of it.
Dungeon generation via array by me, this might be what you are after. You'll need to add smarter algorithm for array generation though :)
Member since 12 Apr, 2012