Just to be clear. The OP posted the question
"Q: is Ludei planning to implement Layout-by-Layout loading? to avoid memory spikes at the starting of app?"
This is directly related to C2. There is no such things as Layouts in the programming or game design. this is a C2 thing only. This is realted directly to how C2 handles levels, object grouping and memeory management. The question proposed does not focus on memory management.
The answer and this is important to note. Does not talk about memory mangement.
"A: "We're not affiliated to Scirra and the goal of our technology is to empower HTML5 games, an not being attached to a certain exporter. It's not in our roadmap at all."
Instead the answer only directly focuses on C2 export. The OP question was wrong. Instead the OP should have asked "Will CocoonJS offer and provide better memory management so that we can make larger games".
So please don't get on Ludie case about the answer. There is nothing disappointing about the answer as the question doesn't target the problem.