You might want to actually study the Plugin before making requests.
* You can get a Room list already.
* PeerID are synced between player connections.
* Vars don't need auto syncing. When a client updates a var. Client sends a message. Host broadcasts the update. it's the point of custom messages. The purpose of syncing was to handle latency not tell you how your game works. Just remember when when the Host.Broadcast to also include the FromId. Then just get the trigger from the incoming message and update.... no polling required. if your polling your not doing it right.
* As for rubber banding. that's a good point in regards for teleport. But that's an easy fix. Once again we will use the magic mystical function called
SendMessage("teleport", "player.x, player.y").
OnMessage ("Teleport") then compare Player.peerID = Multiplayer.fromID; player.setPosition(Multiplayer.Message do some to get XY
Maybe try a simpler game rather than jumping into the large hurdle of multiplayer game developement. The plugin only job is to provide singnalling, room, positional latency, messaging. All network gaming situations can be handled with messaging.