All your assumptions are correct. Window size is 640x360, the title screen is 640x360, galaxy screep is 1440p, my desktop screen is 1080p, the title screen is x2 scaled just to show how sharp it looks and the galaxy s6 should scale every pixel by 4 as my desktop is scaling up every pixel by 3 (3x640, 3x360 = 1920, 1080 ; 4x640,4x360=2440,1440), so I would expect the same sharp image on my S6 as on my Desktop, but clearly something behaves differently and it looks terrible on my S6. (And yes, the S6's screenshot was scaled down by x2 because it still looks as blurry on 1440p as on 720p ) I have no problem with the game rendering to an intermediate texture and then scaling to the final resolution, this is what I was actually hoping for as it increases the performance, ESPECIALLY on mobile with it's limited rendering power, when you take into account how GLSL works on each and every pixel. When it works on the 640x360 it has significantly less work to do then on the proper 1440p resolution. Now my problem seems to be related to the fact that I would like to have a point interpolation scaling here and not a linear interpolation on the final image, but this doesn't seem to happen on the smartphone, while it works perfectly fine on the desktop :/