SirPumpAction's Forum Posts

  • It would make sense to be able to have a simple text tool and also a circle tool

  • Thanks, he was from another game project that is currently on hold until I've finished this one

  • Wow thank you for the thorough analysis! The other nice effect of enabling high dpi was that now finally the return values of touch.x are actually correct and I do not need to do some calculations where I had to divide by the actual rendering height vs the original rendering height etc. So if anyone is struggling with any of these issues -> enable high dpi

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  • Thanks a lot ryanrybot!

    Depending on the time of day the spawning enemies will change too (and day/night cycles will be much slower than what I've shown til now). At night I want to have more futuristic and deadly enemies joining the battlefield. One of the other levels, a snowy version of the red square in Moscow, together with it's iconic church etc., f.e. will feature changing weather conditions and fighting the enemies in a snowstorm will provide an even greater challenge for the player.

    The 6 point gradient map shader which I programmed for the color transitions currently only swaps between two color sets, depending on the time of the day. But as it is fed by a json file, I will add simply one more parameter with which you'll be able to have smooth color transitions for any amount of points in time, like a cool dawn, followed by a bright midday, a warm afternoon and a dark night.

  • Added touch controls (full mobile support), physical damage particles, attack boats, more aggressive ai, special ability (dash), high scores, ...

  • Added touch controls (full mobile support), physical damage particles, attack boats, more aggressive ai, special ability (dash), high scores, ...

    As always, watch at 1080p60

  • Thanks, I actually implemented a simple physics family myself, as the standard physics behavior was way too complex and slow (not all of the 1000 use the physics family, maybe up to 400 or so)

  • Awesome! Where did I see this before... did you publish some animated stuff also on reddit?

  • I think I found the problem. Apparently setting Use high-DPI display to yes solves the problem I have yet to see if this comes with any performance impact...

  • I create all of them myself. Looking at my current project basically all of it has been done in Construct 2 itself (PLEASE IMPLEMENT DRAWING CIRCLES IN THE SPRITE EDITOR!) ... oh and in my internal preview version I used a song from youtube, but I will either license something for the final version or create it myself too...

  • Thank you for your detailed responses fisholith, I will try this out and hopefully come back with a good outcome

    Just one question, how does construct 2 actually realize the scaling? Is the final canvas object in the DOM scaled to fullscreen or is the canvas always fullscreen and just the intermediary calculated texture upscaled inside webgl?

  • All your assumptions are correct. Window size is 640x360, the title screen is 640x360, galaxy screep is 1440p, my desktop screen is 1080p, the title screen is x2 scaled just to show how sharp it looks and the galaxy s6 should scale every pixel by 4 as my desktop is scaling up every pixel by 3 (3x640, 3x360 = 1920, 1080 ; 4x640,4x360=2440,1440), so I would expect the same sharp image on my S6 as on my Desktop, but clearly something behaves differently and it looks terrible on my S6. (And yes, the S6's screenshot was scaled down by x2 because it still looks as blurry on 1440p as on 720p ) I have no problem with the game rendering to an intermediate texture and then scaling to the final resolution, this is what I was actually hoping for as it increases the performance, ESPECIALLY on mobile with it's limited rendering power, when you take into account how GLSL works on each and every pixel. When it works on the 640x360 it has significantly less work to do then on the proper 1440p resolution. Now my problem seems to be related to the fact that I would like to have a point interpolation scaling here and not a linear interpolation on the final image, but this doesn't seem to happen on the smartphone, while it works perfectly fine on the desktop :/

  • The water reflection is basically just a one line shader. For each pixel you just go to the corresponding pixel on the other side of the surface and pick the color. To create the small ripples you just add a simple cos(...) calculation which is based on the time passing (global variable seconds) and multiply it by the distance to the surface, thus creating bigger waves the further you move away. And in a second step I create 100 of my 8 frame (if I remember correct ) single color, single animation water ripple sprite upon start of layer at random positions and store away the original x position and set the width of the sprite to be a multiple of it's y distance to the surface, thus making the ones closer to the bottom bigger and the ones closer to the top smaller.

    In a foreach loop of these ripples I just say that their x position is their original x position times the distance of their y position to the water surface % screenwidth, thus making the ones in front move faster than the ones higher up. I was inspired by the water effect in Kingdom, which I liked very much.

    These two effects combined create a very neat water surface with comparatively very little hardware impact. I guess the second step with 100 water ripples etc could've also been solved via a shader and a layer ontop of the water with it's own texture that increasingly stretches pixels in width the further down we go in the image, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it, as this effect was reasonable fast enough and my laptop has more cpu processing power than gpu power

    As most hardware intensive tasks in this game are basically just bound to the amount of particle effects I create, I'll implement some options which will allow the user to turn the count of effects down for better performance on lower-end hardware Also most calculations are not dt based, so this game most likely will run too fast on 120fps... or is there a 60fps cap in Construct 2/WebGL?

    When I'm done with the game I could write a proper tutorial with screenshots for this type of stuff, but beware, I just started with Construct 2, so maybe I'm wasting rendering power with my approach. I was just happy that my effect runs well enough on my laptop, so I stopped investing any further time in performance tuning.

    And I'm quite happy with the development performance in the last few days myself. Since I received my key I was able to weld the pieces together and add quite a lot of "game".

  • Same without pixel rounding and the exported graphics look fine on desktop. I also created new projects and all face the same issue with pixel graphics.

  • Thanks for the quick replies! Pixel rounding is on, but on the menu screen I was already working with exact pixel values, so even if pixel rounding were to be off, it shouldn't have looked blurred.

    I just tried crop mode, but it doesn't look as if it fits my game at all, so I have to revert back to letterbox/integer letterbox. Any more ideas?