> there are Atomic Plugins made by Ludei, but you can't use them yet in
ludei cloud service. Ludei told that they are still working on updating their cloud service.
> When they will do that (= native AdMob in Canvas+ / WebView+) then CocoonJS will shine like a star
Atomic plugins look promising, hopefully the cloud activation isn't far away. Thank you for the summary.
It is not far, but it requires more work than expected. The main problem we are facing now it that we are moving to Cordova. And we are testing what implies to export C2 using Cordova for Canvas+ and the Atomic Plugins. So far, C2 requires jQuery. Canvas+ does not support it yet. That is why is taking some time.
In addition, it will be possible not only to use the atomic plugins, but any single plugin available on a public cordova repository.