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  • can you put some pictures that explain the effects because its really hard to understand them also when i translate it on my language it comes with no meaning... can you put some pictures like this

    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/yoyv9.png" border="0" />

  • check the sprites and polygons

  • is there a way to make something like this :

    (if you click on small box >> the bigger box comes)

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/1q39tj.png" border="0" />

    and this one :

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/20qz2vt.png" border="0" />

    see the things i want to know:

    how can i choose the colors from these?? also how can i put the colors like these?

    also is there a way to put the color i want??

  • nice work ^^ i really liked but i would like to see the text getting smaller when i write alot of litters so if i write 5 it will be 30x30 and if 9 litters then it will be 25x25 and so on ^^ also in coloring while the litters are mixed (combined or joined) sometimes it doesn't color the whole litter also sometimes it get bug and stick on the same color... keep the good work this really original ^^ good luck ^^

  • if i'm using the paid version ill use 10 and i think ill use more ^^ . they really gives good effects on the games

  • nice ^^ i haven't used GIF before but it really help us in the future

  • de5gravity , hmm i'm using lerp expressions and a camera object so in the beginning the camera will be in middle of screen and when the intro finish it will go to player and stick in it so it will keep moving on player ^^ but remember there are some limits on this way : for example when you die the camera moves from your dead place to your respawn place also you can't set one axis like Y axis only it will fail when you die and get some weird stuffs... also on webstorage you can't put it because if you put it then the camera will be on intro then it will move really quick to player spot and it will looks weird so this idea is good in just the first layout as i saw then make it normal with scroll to behavior (this what i'm thinking to do in future)

  • you can use animations with values for example :



    and the value will choose between espnol and english and so on in all the languages.. there are also another ways but most of them are hard and need alot of codes to do it

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  • i wish to see some simple arts. also it would nice if you put some natural stuffs like moon,ground,stars,cions,sun,background, trees,... so people can design their games with these stuffs ^^

    (by the way i was one of the fan of non-pixel arts but some people changed my mind just because of their arts ^^ so now i'm fan of pixel arts but still love some non-pixel :P )

  • how many frame in each one? also the check your graphic card ... also the browser try to use chrome...

  • new release :

    added (WASD) to move with them so people can use any keys arrows or WASD , thanks to AkiraWong for the idea.

    **if there any problem on the keys tell me ill try to fix them ^^

    ramones , about the firefox i have tried it many times but it still get 20-30fps then it reach 50-60 then it get down to 30 when i move or do any action.. i think firefox isn't that good as i thought.

  • ok , as i want the best for you i have some stuffs i must tell you :

    first of all your graphics are amazing (mouse,turtle, pizza,police, and WATER) i really liked the water when you jump from it and the drop water... anyway you need negatives not the positives ^^

    so lets say :

    1) the hearts of life why its on the middle of the game??? i think you made something mistake like it should be on corner or it follows the player not staying on middle.

    2)the attack is really annoying while i jumping the enemy run from me XD so do something while we are on standing not jumping...

    3)ladder???? ok i liked the ladder but when i go down from ladder why its attacking?? i want to go down as i go up (same animations).

    4)the checkpoint ( water ) is really perfect except the turtle why it has the same animation while he is swimming? we need more animation on it ^^

    5)i couldn't kill the boss or its just a sample of the boss so we telling you what you need..

    6)the pizza it should add some health like every 5 pizzas add half of heart or it add score




    good luck on your game i wish you the best , keep the good work ^^

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