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  • Hello everyone. I m working on a very particular project and i m trying to figure out which game engine would fit the best.

    The situation is as follows

    We manufactured a device which is Wifi Capable using a microcontroller, it's not a mobile phone so no Ios or android. I have to develop an App with games that should be able to communicate with this device (in the same wifi network) using Get and Post. At the same time the games available in this app should all be Lan multiplayer ( using the same wifi network, internet wouldnt work as good for this particular case)

    From what i read im pretty sure C3 is able to make Lan games even using diferent OS in each mobile phone right? I mean, if i have an android device I can play with my friends who are playing with iPhones. But i m not sure if i will be able to comunicate with the device we manufacture using Get and post methods. Can anyone confirm me that this is possible?

    Thank you

  • Hello! Did you test the minimap on mobile? I mean it will work but i have no idea how performance intensive it is. It's a good a idea to test it on a phone before you work on the graphics

  • I like the idea, I would participate for sure

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  • Hey I cant use that link, i thing something is missing in the url

  • Ok, the last thing i did (Using 1/dt to see fps), probably doesnt make sense, i dont know why, but it happens in every project i tested, so it means it never gives the real fps value.

    I m open to theories to explain this! im really curious

  • I think the problem is the dt value! I dont know if what i am doing have sense. I Put 2 text object, one show FPS and the other one shows 1/dt. I thought the should have similar values, but they dont, they have VERY different values.

    The text using &fps shows 30 fps, while the one using 1/dt is showing 60/59 fps, Why? It's like dt is having different values i dont understand

    Here is the capx, just in case


  • I m testing it on pc with the debug mode on, fps are never lower than 30. Every time I close the project and i play it again, i have different fps, but in general fps are between 40 and 50 (In debug mode, if i play it without debug it works 60fps always). If i have 60 ticks per seconds, the time WORKS WELL, it only starts to separate from Wall Clock when fps are less than 60, if i have 30 ticks per seconds the difference is actually PRETTY big.

    Should i upload the Capx?

    Edit: I tested it for 150 seconds, the wall clock says 150 seconds and the system time says 135 seconds, thats 15 seconds of difference, and is like a 10% of difference, A LOT. Fps were between 37 and 45

  • Yes, my counter variable and time do match

    It has some intensive moments because it s a falling blocks thingy and i have like 1000 collisions check per second ( I am trying to optimize that right now), but i will need a framerate independant counter even if i optimize it

    I think i will try using wall clock but i would like to know why my counter and time are not working correcly, just to understand what is happening

  • oosyrag, I uploaded the wrong screenshot, my bad. I edited it, I was trying to show you that i am using dt

    Timescale is 1 and never change.

    The window is always focused

    And is not that it start a little later, as time goes by, the difference between the counter and the wallclock becomes Bigger and bigger. I tryied for 3 minutes and i had a 30 seconds of difference ! That is QUITE a lot

  • Hello everyone!

    For my project I need to measure the time as better as possible. I made a counter variable and Every Tick i Add dt to this variable. I thought that would do the trick but i was Wrong. When i try the game in a phone I realized that the time was actually slower than the real time. I think the time goes slow when the fps drop, but i thought that was what i was avoiding using the Dt function. I attached an image to show what i mean (Time has the same value as my counter and it should have the same value as Wall clock )

    Thank you

  • Ok! Thank you, I will use your workaround and hope it work!

  • First, thank you for answering so quick. So, I m not doing nothing wrong? Is this a bug?

    Also, I m wondering why it also happens using an apk. I exported the project using Intel XDK, and it also takes time to load the music. I thought it took time because it was streaming it from a server, but then why it also happens playing with an APK?

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