Would Construct 3 be able to do this?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Hello everyone. I m working on a very particular project and i m trying to figure out which game engine would fit the best.

    The situation is as follows

    We manufactured a device which is Wifi Capable using a microcontroller, it's not a mobile phone so no Ios or android. I have to develop an App with games that should be able to communicate with this device (in the same wifi network) using Get and Post. At the same time the games available in this app should all be Lan multiplayer ( using the same wifi network, internet wouldnt work as good for this particular case)

    From what i read im pretty sure C3 is able to make Lan games even using diferent OS in each mobile phone right? I mean, if i have an android device I can play with my friends who are playing with iPhones. But i m not sure if i will be able to comunicate with the device we manufacture using Get and post methods. Can anyone confirm me that this is possible?

    Thank you

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  • you can use the AJAX plugin to communicate with the device using the Get and post methods. check the documentation: https://www.construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/ajax

    This is a simple example

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