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  • blackhornet this looks to be just what I needed ... Thanks for the help. I'll let you know on the results as soon as i get back on my com. Thanx again for the quick and usefull response.

  • Hi there. I have an XML file which was provided to me. I need to parse speciffic data and send it to my elements. It's a weather app. I can easily convert the xml to json if needed however I rather keep it in its original format for practical purposes (the prvider always sends it in xml I just wanna swap files to update the info)

    Here's a sample of the node I need to access the data from:

    <Day DayNum="2" DayOfWk="Viernes" ValidDateUtc="6/6/2014 12:00:00 AM" ValidDateLocal="6/6/2014 7:00:00 AM" HiTempF="75" LoTempF="59" HiTempC="24" LoTempC="15" ShortPhrase="Parcialmente nublado" PhraseDay="Parcialmente nuboso. Máximas 24C. Vientos ONO entre 15 y 25 km/h." PhraseNight="Predominantemente despejado. Mínima 15C. Vientos ONO entre 10 y 15 km/h." IconCode="66" SkyCode="30" SkyText="Parcialmente nublado" PrecipChance="20" SnowChance="0" RelHumidity="64" WndSpdMph="10" WndSpdKm="16" WndSpdKn="9" WndDirDegr="303" WndDirCardinal="ONO" CloudCoverage="60" UvIdx="8" UvDescr="Muy Alto" UvWarn="0" Sunrise="05:08:00 am" Sunset="08:18:00 pm" Moonrise="01:27:00 pm" Moonset="01:06:00 am" MoonPhase="3" MoonPhaseText="Gibosa Creciente" SkyCodeDay="30" SkyCodeNight="31" PrecipChanceDay="20" PrecipChanceNight="0" IconCodeDay="66" IconCodeNight="97" SkyTextDay="Parcialmente nublado" SkyTextNight="Despejado" RelHumidityNight="68" WndSpdMphNight="8" WndSpdKmNight="12" WndSpdKnNight="6" WndDirDegrNight="282" WndDirCardinalNight="WNW" PhraseDayC="Parcialmente nuboso. Máximas 24C. Vientos ONO entre 15 y 25 km/h." PhraseNightC="Predominantemente despejado. Mínima 15C. Vientos ONO entre 10 y 15 km/h." SnowAmtIn="0.00" SnowAmtCm="0.00" />

    My xml knowledge is rather limited at the moment and trough javascript i can make a preety list out of this however I want to be able to just grab some of this information and place it into their repository in c2.


    I want to get the attribute information from specific parts and place it into either variables or use it to change the state of a sprite.

    something like the textfield Day of the week should have the value assigned to DayOfWk="Viernes"(friday)

    If i learn to do that I can preety much do the rest of the legwork with ease I'm stuck in things that should be "simple" for people who have experience with xml but I'm not one f those yet.

    I tried usingthe xml demo included in C2 however i totally messed it up to the point of it not working at all ... (that's what coffee deprivation does )

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Actually that's pretty neat... and usefull. I could use something like that in my classes too.

  • Well in my case I do have to say that performance took a tiny hit on my mobile game however since I kept on wailing at the issues and put in the effort I managed to get a rather fast paced game working at the intended frame-rate now some other issues may appear but it's up to me as the developer to take them down not C2. I find that C2 is a great tool for programmers and non programmers alike It speeds up results which in the end is what the managerial types are really looking for and gives a boost to morale to everyone working on the title to see it actually working. There's plenty of plugins, wrappers and crafty ideas in the community that will help you get the product done from start to finish.

    I recommend C2 now that I managed to get my Freefall Bird (for android ) out in the open and next games are going to be even more awesome because I learned a lot in the process.

  • Here I'll post some screenshots from the game as it's already out.

    I hope it gets downloaded a lot so I can work on the next steps.

    Next Steps:

    • iOS version
    • Store Items
    • More Stages

    Intro Splash Screen (animated in game)


    Sand Stage


    Promotional Icon


    I'm also interested in eventually adding a version of the game for other markets.

  • Hi vancouver tanks for the reply.

    Well maybe if i hack and slash some php forms together and use that as form data to send but that's hardly what I want. If you can send an image with wassap/google/facebook/twitter etc... i see no reason we can't do it similareley ... albeit they do use their own solutions to do it ... I wouldn't wan to Twit the images and text as we will have little control of what comes out publicly if we do that... Still in the think tank for now.

    rexrainbow I'm interested in knowing if you have a tool that can be used in cases like this since you have a much more complete understanding of C2 than I do.

  • Hi there ... any luck on this yet? I'm trying out different settings for it on my Galaxy S3 ... no luck so far tho. I mustve made a typo somewhere as always.

  • I'm making an app with c2 and I need to send the UserMedia.SnapshotURL content image that I capture using the camera trough email to a pre-defined email. Ideally I'd like to also be able to upload(choose) a picture already in the device to send ... this has prooven tricky as well.

    I managed to take the snapshot using the camera, display it on screen on a sprite....

    I also found a way described in one of the tutorials to download the picture as a png (or jpg) to the device which is also good...

    I havn't been able to:

    directly send the image as attachment to an email.

    I'm using the user input plugin and the browser plugin.

    Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.

  • As of today in a few hours the game I was developing will be fully live in Google Play.

    At the moment it's only for android however it will soon be available for iOS.

    I thank to the community for all the help this project has been a blast.

    I added a Facebook page too.

    The game at Google Play Store

    the Facebook page

    The game is free(ad supported).

    Also a big thanks goes to ArcadEd for his guidance and Ashley for his awesomeness.

  • ArcadEd so... if I download this zipped version from the git hub it "should" have all the neat changes that I had working on my last version of it right?...(I'm asking because last time I did I had to go and re-do all the changes they had previously posted)

    It still (I'm guessing) will probably give me trouble with he 169 version since it was bundled with the old version with the plugin right? (no pun intended Ashley just pointing out that the update doesn't include the latest version of the plugin)

    • also this brings me to a question... is it going to be included still or should we move off it...? at the moment I'm certain I'm not the only one who's not gonna be able to make that change easily. (at least for my current project)

    Thank you guys again for all the help and guidance in this process.

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  • [update] after fiddling with it a while and backtracking to 168 the culprit is apparently the cocoon js plugin version I have.

    I literally had to go back and re-paste the whole thing for it to work again on the 168.

  • Problem Description

    I just oppened my previously working game after updating to new beta version 169 ...

    this is the ressulting error screen:


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Action ID does not appear to exist in related plugin

    Condition: plugin->HasActionID(act_id)

    File: Projects\EventAction.cpp

    Line: 43

    Function: __cdecl EventAction::EventAction(class EventBlock &,class ObjectClass *,class BehaviorType *,int,class std::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> >,class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class EventParameter,struct std::default_delete<class EventParameter> > > > &&,unsigned __int64)

    Build: release 169 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort Retry Ignore


    I usually don't bother with reports as someone always gets them before me however... I've not see nthisone before.

    The game in question uses the following:

    browser plugin

    ludei's plugin (cocoon js)

    keyboard, touch...

    I have really no idea what causes this.

    I hope the screen info helps even a little.

    I tried returnign to 168 to no avail it gives me the same error even on the backup file... .

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Member since 2 Mar, 2012

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