good to know that it is possible to port over the game to unity at lease code is easy to rewrite, my only concern is the behaviors which going to be a little tricky to do. One thing i know if it was not for C2 i would not understand how to code.
MPPlantOfficial what make me use c2 is because people say it is better to use if you know nothing about coding which is correct. If it was now believe me, my money would still go with Construct 2 over C3, WHY read over the blog and you see that C3 is C2 with few changes that i can live do without.
How many time i use C3 if you ask maybe 5 time for about 10 minutes. what that say, ask any web developer what may people keep going back to a website which C3 done have. yes C3 is a website not a software
C2 all the way