Samhain's Recent Forum Activity

  • I got the same error.

    First time I have used the Arcade upload, so not sure what to do.

    Will wait and see if admins fix it.

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  • Hi!

    This is my first post here, and my first project with Construct 2.

    I have been playing around with CC a little bit before, but nothing to big.

    Spending a few days now on a game called Grav Suit, that I hope I will be able to submit to this comp in the arcade.

    Just finished the most important graphics and music. Still working on different levels.

    Without going into much gameplay details I can say this: It is placed in space, got rotating levels, a gravity suit with a tractor beam and an astronaut trying to find his way out with his life intact...

    <img src="" border="0" />

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Member since 26 Feb, 2012

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