boulerzzz's Recent Forum Activity

  • fredriksthlm thanks for helping me with this!

    So if I open my game in a messenger chat. Only the other people in that chat will be on the contextual board? And then if I later open the game again in another chat, the contextual board will be different, correct?

    How do I fetch only my friends in my global leaderboard?

    So I load my global (non-contextual) board. Should I select "all" or just "connected players" in the load action? How do I fetch only my friends? :D

  • Hi

    I just started using the FbIG plugin. It's quite nice.

    How does the leaderboards work on fb instant games? The global leaderboards are self-explanetory.

    But what exactly are contextual boards? I try to read the Facebook docs but I just don't get it. Who will show up in a contextual board? Your friends? Only a few friends?

    Also, is there a way to only show a users fb friends in your leaderboard? I feel that would be the most important thing.

  • Does it work OK if you remove Mobile Advert?

    Unfortunately, no.

    Just tried apk from r137 on a Oneplus 6, it works.

  • I can't try until a bit later today. I'll update and let you know asap when I tried it!

  • yes.

    When I start the project I use the IAP plugin to check for some products and after that I load a banner ad. So I use the mobile advert plugin in my project AND use it to load a banner advert at the first layout.

  • Manufacturer: Huawei

    Model: Honor 9 lite

    Android: Android 8.0

    Export: Android studio

    When exporting with 137 only the background is shown. Touch inputs are still recognized (you can touch buttons and change layouts etc.) but only the background color is shown. 136 works like a charm on android. :)

  • I also had this exact issue with my apk made with 137.

    Went back to 136 and it worked as expected again.

    Android 8.0

  • Elo!

    So before I used to just make my own "rate game?"-popup in the game and use the browser to simple open up the app store review window by using the "itms-apps://".

    Well, Apple won't approve apps with that approach anymore and they require new apps to use their SKStoreReviewController, and call requestReview() to bring up their own review window so the player does not have to leave the app.

    Is there any way I could implement that in C3?

    Found a feature request for this as well:

    it's quite important to collect as many rating as possible. :)

  • pilpgam

    I agree with you on this one!

    Getting the app to start nicely is a pain on android!

    Also google now recommends you add adaptive icons in your apk. As far as I know we can't do that in C3 either.

    I always use android studio to get the adaptive icons working. It's quite easy actually! In android studio you can also add a splashActivity to at least make the startup a bit better looking if you want, but that requires some coding.

    I wish adaptive icons and custom splash screens could be added in construct 3!

  • Tokinsom

    Awesome! :)

  • Hi

    Sometimes when I save my project C3 expands all my events.

    It is irritating to minimize/collapse all events every time I open my project again.

    I save my project with all events collapsed like this.

    But almost everytime I reopen my project it is all expanded like this...

    Is there a way to collapse everything in one go or something to save time? :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi

    I got an issue. I'm using Ajax to load .json files into dictionaries.

    In my project there are 90 files.

    My problem is that 9 of them won't load. It does not throw any error message or anything and the "on tag completed" is triggered but nothing is loaded into my dictionaries.

    I've tried everything but I think the problem is their sizes. It works fine on the computer and trough remote preview though.

    The files that won't load are 297-762 kbs large. Files smaller than that are loaded into my dictionaries w/o any problems.

    When I delete data from the files they are loaded so the problem is clearly their size.

    What could be a fix for this?

    Should I split all data into several smaller files or is there any other way?

    Is this a hardware limitation?

    How can I ensure my files are loaded on all devices?

    If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it!


    I'm using the C3 runtime and trying on an android device.

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