boulerzzz's Recent Forum Activity

  • I see.

    Too bad around 40% of android devices still run 6 and 5. :(

    But its getting lower all the time so thats good!

    Should we set minimum sdk version to 24 (android 7)?

  • Hi. I've been thinking about this for a while but can't find and answer.

    When I upload an APK using the runtime 3

    5 out of 9 pre-launch reports look like this.

    This error does not show on any pre-launch report

    tests made on android 8 or newer.

    Google pre-launch throws an accessibility warning about content labels:

    Do we need to worry about this? Is it just google pre-launch report that uses some weird devices when testing and this wont be a problem for real users?

    What kind of updates would be needed for the devices that can't open the app and is it something that users would get automatically without extra work?

    So if the user updates chrome the app works?

    I'm not an android user but I guess chrome and the OS should be updated automatically, and as a result this error would not be shown to real users?

  • AllanR

    Thank you for the help! (Y)

    I agree that text objects look nicer. I'll try using a larger sprite font and scale it down to see if I can notice an improvement. The spritefont still look quite good using a 1:1 scale as well IMO. :)

    I think I'm fine. Debugger shows low CPU usage and game runs well on my Honor 9 lite as well so color and position change might actually be OK...

  • AllanR Ashley

    Yes I found out that was the problem. My game is a word game and uses both cyrillic and latin letters so I though I would save time and simply use a webfont.

    Having more than ~20 text objects on the screen while zooming makes it impossible. Replacing them with spritefont makes everything smooff.

    Do you guys think I should replace ALL instances of my text object with a spritefont or just the ones that are visible while zooming? Should you use text objects at all in your games? :)

    Edit: In the manual it says: "Text rendering is very fast as long as the object is not changing, but upon changing the object must do a relatively expensive redraw of the text and replacement of the cached texture"

    In my game I got 12 text objects that are 115x115 in size and they change font color and position every tick. Are these "expensive redraws"? The text itself changes like every 10 seconds so that shouldn't be a problem, right?

  • You are right Ashley.

    I'll look further into this tomorrow and find whats causing the Fps drop when I'm zooming out after the round has ended.

    I made an empty project and the zoomed out without any problem. If I'm zooming out during the start screen in my game the fps remains stable. (I'm guessing it's something like zooming and scrolling at the same is not good for CPU or maybe too many objects on the screen while scrolling and zooming)

    I'll try to start a new project and gradually add stuff to the game and test to see where the problem starts and share a project and a bit more info later. :)

  • I'm using 720 x 1280 as resolution.

    On my android:

    CPU 20-30 % while playing (Goes to 30-40% when zooming out)

    GPU 10%

    On my computer: (On my computer the zooming works without any fps drop.)

    CPU 2% while playing (Goes to 5-10 when zooming out)

    GPU 0.5%

    Tried to scale out the whole layout but it does also massively drop the FPS.

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  • Hi!

    In my game the player builds a tower. My game runs stable 60 Fps and is really smooth on my android phone.

    After the round I scroll to the middle of the tower and zoom out the layer to create a really cool effect.

    However when I zoom out the layer the FPS drop to like 1-5. When the layer has zoomed out the game returns to 60 fps again.

    I use 2 System events when the game ends:

    1. To scroll to middle of tower I use:

    Scroll to y (min(Scroller,scrolly+speedscroll*dt))

    2. While the game scrolls to middle of tower I also zoom out the towerlayer

    Set layer "Tower" scale to max(zoom,LayerScale("Tower")-speedzoom*dt) <-- Makes FPS drop to 1-5

    I'm using the runtime 3 and testing on a honor 9 lite

    Like I said. The frames only drop when the layer scale rate changes. If I create a small tower and the game does not need to zoom everything runs smooth when the round ends.

    Any idea why I cant't change layer scale rate?

  • Thanks.

    I did export to android studio and tried that way. IF I remember correctly there is a long wait before the loader layout shows up on mobile. And people don't have a lot of patience these days. So even a second of delay before any feedback and people think the app is broken or something. :P

    I now have the splash screen show up immediately and can control the delay for it, but there is an annoying white flash after the splash has finished. I think my code is wrong.

    I made a new Java class for the SplashActivity.

    public class SplashActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    	private static int SPLASH_TIME = 1750; //time in MS the splash stays on the screen.
    	protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    		new Handler().postDelayed(() -> {
    			Intent intent = new Intent(SplashActivity.this, MainActivity.class);

    Yeah a nice tutorial would be gold!

  • Hi!

    How can I set my own splash screen?

    In IOS I got it working.

    For IOS I compile with phonegap and they've got clear instructions on how to add splash screen.

    1. add the following plugin and setting to config.xml

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" />

    <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="Time in ms" />

    2. After that you just replace your "default@2x~universal~anyany.png" and your splash screen shows up instantly when I launch the app. I set loader style to nothing and use a loader layout that's only black because the game loads so fast anyways. IOS is perfect when I do that.

    But whats the procedure for android when your using the build service?

    Replacing the "default@2x~universal~anyany.png" doesn't do anything for android. Should I use the construct 3 splash and somehow replace that image? I can't find it anywhere in my apk though.

    Do I need a third party plugin or something?

  • Grr

    It used to be so easy with admob!

    But now it's much more complicated. I keep getting "no ad to show" when I try to load my interstitial ad. I test on an iPhone 5 with IOS 10.3


    - I add the MobileAdvert plugin and fill the properties.

    - When I first tried I got ads to show 100% of the time WITH user consent.

    - But no ads showed WITHOUT user consent.

    - I changed to 12 custom providers as the manual suggest.

    - Now I get error message "no ad to show" like 99% of the times WITH user consent.

    - WITHOUT user consent it's the same thing but I sometimes get a random green and black ad(?)/screen that brings me to when I tap it.


    Could it be because I use "test mode"?

    Could it be because the app is not live?

    Whats the point of limiting the providers to only 12?

    Wont this affect "eCPM" and "match rate"?

    Will potential NON EU users and people who say "yes" also be limited to only 12 ad providers?

    Does the "no ad to show" just mean there was no ad available from any of my 12 providers?

    Wouldn't it just be easier to have only one "Yes button" on the consent screen and have everything work as before?

    Could I perhaps delete the no button and just force people to say yes since this clearly does not work for me?

    Do I need to add any actions for the plugin for different "MobileAdvert.ConsentStatus" statuses?


    Lots of questions but I just don't understand this at all! Please shed some light on the GDPR and admob mystery!

  • Hi

    OK, I just got a feeling I was doing something wrong. :)

    My game takes about 23mb when installed on my iPhone so it's still quite small compared to other games like mine.

    BTW my ads work fine if I choose to see relevant ads. But if I choose to see "less relevant ads" no ads are showing while I am testing my app (using test mode).

  • Hi

    I use Phonegap to compile my games. My game used to be 1.5mb but after I add "construct-mobile-advert" for ads the .IPA grows to 58mb. This is when I download the .IPA from phonegap.

    The install size grows from 6mb to 18mb.

    Anyone know why "construct-mobile-advert" add to the size? :D

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