TheScythe I wouldn't exactly encourage editing the version, as you may corrupt your project ( so always keep a back up ).
C3P files are basically zip files, with predefined internal layout. What you see with folder projects is that internal layout. I'm not sure which format your using, but the process is much the same.
If your using a C3P then I would advise opening it ( not unzipping ) with some variety of archive tool like 7 zip, you can edit the files within the zip file without you needing to unzip it like this.
You want to edit the project.c3proj file ( it's in the JSON format ), each addon will include it's own version number in the style "r137" which you will want to change. Additionally there is a project version in the format "13700". If you want to move to a point release then the values will look a little different, you should try looking at a project saved with the version you want to target if that's the case.
I believe the issue is graphics driver problems when using webgl2 ( these generally don't produce any actual errors, just rendering problems like blank screens ). We have a device in the office that had the issues previously. If you are happy to share the project ( not an APK ) privately I can test it for you on that device and we can see about resolving it before the next stable release. You can contact me privately at