First of, the game worked well on my rig.
Got a large screen so i could see plenty, but fullscreen scaling (i am used to that) would be a great option.
When i started playing the sounds where off. (could be i just pushed the sound button without consiously perceiving it)
Graphics look nice "i like the mario style tail on the character".
On a metaphysical note:
First level i started collecting some coins and such. (did not check the how to play)
Then When all was collected i searched for a way out of level 1
So i looked around and found that blue orb, got it and pow next level.
Second level i got the question in thought: Why should i collect all those things if i can just hop on to the blue orb for the next level.
At my new task, i skipped the collecting completely and focussed on racing through the levels as quickly as possible.
After reaching the end of the game in 3 to 4 minutes i got the following question in thought.
"what was the point?'
If collecting did not reward me a new level, then collecting was not something i "needed".
It the blue orb was all i needed, then where was the challenge.
The level designs are very pretty, but i felt my playthrough was not worthy enough in comparishment to how the game looks.
It deserved more time than i could give it. (evendo i played to the end of the game)
But the not available sense of "need to do things to earn something back" overruled.
So i could just say "good game" but lacks challenge, but i'd rather tell u the "story" of my playthrough, because the graphics felt adventurous to me.
All i needed was adventure, but i kept searching for it, and did not find.
My conclusion: If a sense of adventure is what u would like to give to your players, add something "to do" in the game to make us spend time on achieving the right to go to the next level.
Like digging through walls, climbing ladders, finding keys, building a bridge, clearing a flooded area.
And such
Kind Regards.