r85 shuts down the background music and pauses the game when I minimise the app using the home button; most of the time.
If I keep playing and minimising it, it won't catch it after about 10-20 times and the music keeps on playing when the app is backgrounded. When I close the app and restart it's fine again, until I keep playing and minimising 10-20 times again. This is with a Samsung Galaxy S2.
Also, if I let the screen go dim or lock the screen, the music keeps on playing. That's an instant reject on Amazon Appstore.
However, if someone calls the phone, the music stops and the call can be answered. Once the call is killed, the game comes back into the foreground. This is cool!!
...a couple of snaggings, but almost there as far as I can see...
Amazon testers use a number of different devices, so I may submit the version I've built in r85 once I've cleaned it up a bit and see what their verdict is, though I think the screen dim issue will cause a rejection straight away.