epicjelly's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi There,

    I just bought your plugin 2 days ago. Tested it and it works beautifully , Thanks a lot !

    But i have one question. when we share to Facebook, there's a box with the image we uploaded, with some text "weebe.nl" . Do you think we can change that anywhere on this plugin ?

    Cheers mate !

  • Hi guys,

    It's me again. With another simple question. So, i made something very simple, it's just a layout with some buttons and white background. I use chrome as my default browser for construct, andd everything went well, until i tried on IE, and Firefox.. and something terrible and weird happened... suddenly, the layout goin ape sh*t and messed up. when i hover the button, the background changes colors to black for example.. I dont think the problem is about the background color only, must be something more than it..

    my question is, how is this even possible ? is there something wrong on my side, or is is the browser, or is it bug ?

    any comments is appreciated.

    PS: i post some screenshots, its the default state when i run play on construct. notice the difference between IE and Chrome. (same thing also happened on Firefox). and i will post the Capx if needed..

  • Oh my god you guys are awesome! i didnt expect so much reply and ideas, but thank you very much! i will certainly look at each of your ideas to make something out of it.. i guess i will posting some progress if i finally made something very similar to this!

    Thanks Agaain!

    Thanks to aphrodite and rojo for showing some capx for me to understand it even easily!


    R0J0hound: Seems like i cant open the capx, it says i didnt have the latest version, release 169, is it already out ? im currently using release 168

  • Thanks for replying Telyko !

    I was almost thinking about the same as yours, i thought this 3D effects is just an eye-illusion, although when you check the javascript code, it looks really really complex, and i dont even know how to recreate it..

    So you are talking about masking ?

    How about the tower, you think it's just a flat bunch of blocks , i mean just one sprite, moving the x position while masking and gave a little nice vertical gradient shadow ?

    the rotating part is confusing me, how do they set up the element, like the platform to be, suspiciously feels like rotating to the back of the tower.. since, i was only thinking about playing with layering..

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  • Hi There,

    I don't know if im posting on the right place, please reminds me if im not.

    Anyway, just want to ask to you guys, do you think we can make something similar to this...


    ...using Construct 2 ? Im not asking for a full tutorial or something, i just need thoughts and ideas from you guys, what are the best work around if we can't or if we can, what are the ideas to make it, you know, all the 3d feel, the tower rotating, and all that stuff

    Really appreciate any of comments and suggestions.. Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hi Ashley,

    Thank you for replying !

    I'm not so sure about that. But anyway, somehow, now it works. But with one condition; i'm not using URLEncode when passing the data on construct. whenever i used urlencode, it always shown an error saying that the variables on the PHP is empty, sql query is empty.

    Should i post something so to make it clear ?

    i'm quite confused and worried even if its works now, because it doesnt use URLEncode.. i hope you can get a clue about it ashley

  • Hi,

    Im trying to sending data to server, it's very simple, only name and score. Im using AJAX object, and test it on localhost. But what happened is, its not working. It triggers onComplete event (for the AJAX) but the data never get into the database.

    i've tried manually the url in the browser, and it's work. But in one condition, on the .php file, im using $_GET instead of $_POST. If im using $_POST, either way doesnt work. it comes and error saying something about undefined index: error..

    Can someone give me hint about this problem and how to solve it ? Really appreciate it ! Thanks

  • Yeah, i finally realized its a behaviour after i post my message LOL, silly me, thanks guys !

  • Hi, this is kinda plugin i needed for now! anyway, i tried to download, but i can't use the plugin, it says, unable to load plugin..etc etc ,

    maybe you guys can help with this problem ? i copied the file to C2 plugins folder..

    thanks! :)

  • rex said something about "popup_shown" , "popup_hidden" ,"pause" what's that ? i dont really understand how to pass 'popup_hidden', 'popup_shown' event to C2 event sheet ? can you explain to me ?

  • yeah about the sound when pokki popup closes still not work, yesterday it was work and then suddenly it wont work at all.. *sigh* we've been working hard to make this game eligible for pokki.. i hope someone has some epic solution to this problem ? :)

  • hmm i see..yeah maybe i'll go try to disable all the groups, maybe it can help the problem with pokki, about lowering cpu process when the app is "minimized" just like crypt said. thanks again ashley. :D

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