Monchild's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone!

    I am pleased to announce the game's first patch. It will be all about risks and rewards. It will include some changes in the gameplay:

    1. Increase in card costs after upgrades.

    During the playtests, we realized that constantly upgrading one card might exponentially improve its value during the match (the card's benefit increases while the opportunity costs of the other cards also increase). This is pushing the players to focus on one card only while ignoring other cards in the deck, basically nullifying the deckbuilding aspects of the game.

    One initial solution was to limit the number of upgrades one card could receive. This is done, for example, in games like Monster Train and Shogun Showdown. The drawback of this solution is that it creates an artificial scarcity in the enhancements (which is kind of dull) and generates a ceiling for some cards in the late game.

    So, we are introducing some drawbacks in the upgrades. Most of the time, the drawback will be an increase in the card's cost, but some might include other trade-offs like +2x attack damage with -0.5x attack speed.

    Another solution that will be implemented in future patches is the introduction of synergies between cards. This might decrease the opportunity cost of holding and playing other cards. But this solution might need some extra planning and I would love to know your suggestions about it.

    2. Challenge level upgrade

    In between rounds, the player will have the opportunity to increase the challenge level of all the following rounds. This will bring extra benefits if the player can survive, but will make the game more difficult!

    Think about that as the Brotato's levels, but you adjust the challenge during the run and only upwards. During the run we will face the constant and exciting dilema of increasing the stakes of the next rounds. But this will not be done in a linear way. Each challenge level increase will introduce different flavors of challenge that might fit different decks and combos.

    The fortune favors the bold, but pick your battles wisely!

    The update is coming this weekend. I hope you enjoy it!

  • The central thought behind the Heroes of Arcana design is resource management. All the other elements are secondary.

    The player's main goal is to survive for 8 stages while collecting as much Arcana as possible at the end. On the one hand, summoning heroes, casting spells, and improving the deck might increase the player's chances of finishing the game, but on the other hand, it decreases your final score. Therefore, to achieve a high score, the player needs to take risks and use only the resources necessary.

    But that creates a big design problem: saving pennies at a game is not a fun idea. That's when the big quests are incorporated into the game's concept. They are challenges that increase a stage's difficulty but give extra rewards to overcompensate for the resources the player spent to overcome them. This enables the more experienced players to apply powerful combos while getting outstanding rewards but with a higher risk.

    Those concepts are still being incorporated step-by-step into the game, but I would love to know your thoughts.

  • Hello everyone,

    We happily announce a new release of Heroes of Arcana!

    The game's development started back in 2012 using Construct 2. By then, it was the first Tower Defense game published in the Scirra Arcade - even before the pathfinding and turret behaviors had been launched 🤣🤣. You can see the original post here:

    HoA is a Tower Defense with Deck-Building and Rogue-lite elements.

    Please help us to improve the game. We would love to know your suggestions for cards and mechanics.

  • Hey WizLore, I don't know if it solves your problem, but I was facing a similar issue and used the following workaround:

    1 - duplicated the animation and named it "left"

    2 - changed the angles of the left animation using the formula: 360 - right_angle = left_angle

    It works nicely in a simple animation but takes some extra effort. Not sure if it fits your use case, but here is the example, just in case someone finds this topic on Google as I did.!Aqgy3_mD5UMZg7lg7LqiiYv7HhNaxg

  • Hi CaioCezar,

    My brother and I are making Heroes of Arcana, a Tower Defense without Turret and pathfinder behaviors. The performance seems good on our old PC.

    here is the link:

    Sure that we are far away from Kingdom Rush, but I like the result.

    PS: we live in Castanhal-PA (y)


  • Val and mineet

    Thanks for your compliments. Sorry for issues on the Beta, the firefox can't run the game still.


    Its look fantastic. Congratulations


  • Please,rate The Beta too <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle"> on

  • hey guys look this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is the an new stage of Heroes of Arcana.

    Please, rate this.

    PS: My brother will kill me when him look this posts.


  • > dsjtuj on 23-24 ;)

    How is the demo going?

    Thanks for wait dsjtuj

    we had some delays with the final adjustments but the demo is finally ready on

    here is the link:

    Like all good betas, we have some last hour bugs on the stage select menu. But this will be fixed asap. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Hope you Enjoy.

  • Really a nice game engine. Keep it going!

    Good Work.

  • dsjtuj on 23-24 ;)

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  • We are planning show up a demo on the next weekend.

    ~By: Kaning

Monchild's avatar


Member since 25 Dec, 2011

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