StreakThundrstrm's Recent Forum Activity

  • Will Construct 2 eventually support the export of EXEs? HTML5 only is kind of a deal breaker for me. I don't want game quality to rely on browser functionality.

  • I understand how that would work, thanks. Is there any way to make it a bit more global? The characters have tons of animations and actions. Right now I have a way of choosing each character seperately and it works globally rather than locally except for these animation changes. I'll try something else and see what I can come up with. Thank you for your help. I'll post a reply if I find anything or need more help.

  • Hello. I'm working on a game where the characters rely on state machines to change their actions and animations. I have a character change to his jump animation and set the frame number to 4, then resume the animation. Once while true. Another character who uses the same objects but different variables controls differently and works out just fine. The only thing is, when they both try to jump, only one of the instances changes to the jump animation and resumes. The other changes to the animation but is stuck on the frame is is set to and remains that way until the other one lands. Is there any way to set an action to run once but for each object instance?

  • Thanks Lucid and Steven. I did use a "for each" and it seemed to work well but I had to do much more to it than just that. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

  • I'm not interested in the default behaviors. They don't do what I want them to. Here's the cap so someone can take a look. I stripped it of any extra dealings I tried to change in order to get it to work. Its the engine without trying to implement multiplayer. The events to control X and Y speed as well as sensor placing is in the "Motion Management" group in the player code event sheet.

  • Hello. I'm working on a custom movement engine that will have multiplayer incorporated into it. I'm having an issue with choosing the right object when needed. Right now there are 2 of the same sprite called "player". Each has a private variable called "player". One has Player = 1, the other has Player = 2. The engine has many sensors which detect wall collisions, slopes, floor and ceiling. I got those to correctly attach to the right "player" object by checking if their "player" variable is = to the player object's variable. I'm having trouble with picking the correct player object to set X and Y speeds to. I have an input object that also wants to be linked through a "player" variable. I can correctly get the input object to link to the player object by checking the player variable but I can't seem to figure out how to single out the player object I want to move. If I move one player object, they both move because the engine is setting the X and Y speeds for both of them. How can I loop through the correct player object to get it to move correctly based on what is controlling it? I plan to have 4 player objects work under the same movement engine but I can't seem to figure out a way to make it choose the right one to move. Can any one of you help me? I would greatly appreciate it.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is the event that I want to cycle through each character. I want them to all have separate X and Y speeds. Would I have to copy this 4 times or is there a way to loop through this to get it to only correspond to the individual characters?

  • I've figured it out. Sorry for triple posting. Here is the final result so that others who might want it can use it.

  • It definitely did. Thank you very much!

  • Here ya go: Radial_Health_Example.cap

    I'm sure it can be improved if you spend some time with it.

    Alright, this one is near perfect. I have one question though. Is there any way to continue along a specific angle after the angle reaches 270? I sort of want to continue to extend the bar along that angle. If I set the angle to 0, 180 and such, the entire sprite turns to that angle but I want to retain the previous curvature of the bar.

  • I've got to say that this forum and community is amazing. Thank you so much for the replies and the example caps.

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  • Hello. I was wondering if there was some way to create a health bar or some sort of curved image to use as a health bar. Something like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm trying to create a health bar similar to that used in Kingdom hearts 2. I'll be using custom graphics of course but I was wondering if such a thing was possible. I'd also like to be able to extend the end of the bar so that it behave likes a normal health bar, only that it curves around an image or whatever in a circle fashion like in the above image.

  • I have a bit of a problem with how the plugin works and I'm sure if others get to the point where I am, it might become a bit frustrating. Right now the plugin works great. I'm very happy with most if not all of the features. I do have a problem with Zooming and maybe even rotating[if the rotating works the same as zooming] I have different layers for different objects. Things like a HUD and whatnot. I have a specific layer for the character and the ground he runs on. I have the camera zoom in on him when he's moving slow. My problem is that everything on every layer zooms. This means I can't see the HUD anymore which defeats the purpose of it all together. Is there any workaround for this or could this be fixed in any way?

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Member since 22 Dec, 2011

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