Hey Constructors,
Just a little question. Is there any way (third party or not) to get a sprite's color ? I was thinking of a good way to improve some stuff in the little game I'm currently working on, and until now, I was dealing with several families. One family stands for one color. If I need to know if the player stands on a purple, red, or orange platform, all I have to do is to check if the said platform belongs to the red, purple or orange family. Done. It works, but hell, as soon as my level begins to be a little more complex it takes some times to put every sprites in every matching families. Thus, if I could detect the color itself directly, that'd be great. I'm picturing this as something like this, for example :
If the character is standing on a sprite with a color between #HexDeciValue and #HexDeciValue then apply this bonus/malus
Do you know any way to achieve something like this ?
If you have any idea to improve my mechanic, don't be shy, I'll take it too ! Please know that I don't ask this in the How do I section because I don't think there is a native feature to deal with that in C2 for the moment. I may be wrong of course, and if I am, sorry, wrong post, wrong place. Thanks !