TELLES0808 Hello ! I didn't really understand your question, but I'm gonna try to answer it anyway. So, I assume you were talking about the Sprite Lamp tool. Obviously no I'm not the creator or one of the creators of this tool, but I'm sure this was not your question's sense. Regardind the topic itself, I just bought the tool and then used a zombie sprite to generate a normal map, which offers the result featured in the first page of this thread. So it's not really my creation, more like the tool's one hehe.
Yeah no need to read 9 pages, don't worry. Actually, this topic was nothing but a suggestion for a real dynamic light system in Construct 2 or Construct 3, but finally made me write an entire tutorial about the various solutions already available to use this kind of lighting in our games using Construct 2. You should take a look at it, I talk about Sprite Lamp and Construct 2 in it (and globally anything anyone should knows about Normal Map, lighting configuration and Construct 2). The concept is always the same, the tool you're using does not really matter. You can find the PDF of the current version on the first page (I edited it) or directly here :
Once again, I'm still working on it, and english is not my mother tongue so if you find any mistakes or nonsenses, please let me know.