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  • I will explain the task even better

    The music is written in a sequencer program (daw)

    This sequencer is played using virtual musical instruments

    Sequencer-sends midi data to a virtual instrument (plug-in)

    And the plugin generates sound

    Then the squensor picks up this sound from the plug-in output and processes it further

    My task is to create an empty virtual tool plugin

    Plugin wrapper

    The Daw will transmit midi data to its input (for example, midi notes)

    This plugin wrapper will transfer them outside to MY application on construct 3

    Then my application on construct 3 will give audio sound to the same plugin wrapper

    And this sound will need to be wrapped by this plugin-returned back to the sequencer (daw)

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  • habr.com/ru/articles/224911

    That's it here

    But I can't speak c++.

    It must be somehow connected with construct 3

  • Good afternoon

    I want to offer a one-time income

    I am a musician and at the same time a programmer for construct 3

    What do I need:

    First, I will write what I would like ideally-and then 2 solutions to the problem as I see it

    1) Ideally:

    All musical instrument plug-ins (for example, a musical drum synthesizer) are created using special SDKs

    They have the extension VST(for windows) and AU(for mac)

    I don't know c++ and I can't write a music plugin based on the SDK-it's very difficult and impossible for me

    But-but I am good at construct 3)))

    The idea is to write a wrapper plugin

    Which would intercept the outgoing midi and iadio stream from a program written in construct3 and send it to a music sequencer program

    The plugin itself must be generated in these two formats-vst and AU

    For example, my source code for construct 3 generates sounds (audio) and also generates midi commands (midi notes) for output

    But-through construct 3, it is impossible to make midi output and audio output (as an audio cable )

    of course-you can use a virtual midi cable and a virtual audio cable to transfer audio and midi data from my audio plug-in to the sequencer (a music writing program, for example LOGIC PRO X)But-it's cumbersome and inconvenient-and it's wrong to force the user to download some kind of third-party paid software-it's inconvenient for him

    Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that audio and midi data come from the output in the construct application-through the wrapper plugin-go to the sequencer (the musical DAW IDE in which music is written

    Then my virtual musical instrument written in Construct 3 can be used inside a professional environment for writing music

    You can do this:

    Take some of the most primitive music plug-in AU

    Somehow bring out the midi commands from it that it is controlled from the inside-redirect this midi stream outside to my program-and then enter it back

    And do the same with the audio stream

    I can give you examples of the simplest plugins.

    I program in hackintosh myself

    The budget is $100

  • Good afternoon!

    I have bought and am using an addon for construct 3. Midi web

    The library is good, but it lacks a few necessary commands, I'm writing my sampler, and I really need:

    1) need a function to find out the speed parameter. for a pressed note (VELOCITY) (this is something like the force of pressing a key)

    It is also unclear how to read the position of the PITCH BEND controller of the pitch range and the MODULATION controller.

    If the midi note c3 is pressed then check its VELOCITY parameter

    If the Velocity parameter is .....then.....

    if the value of the Modulation Controller is .... then....

    If you could add these features - I would pay you a little!

    The manufacturer of the milk

    link to the plugin construct.net/en/game-assets/addons/web-midi-3318

  • Good afternoon!

    I have bought and am using an addon for construct 3. Midi web

    The library is good, but it lacks a few necessary commands, I'm writing my sampler, and I really need:

    1) need a function to find out the speed parameter. for a pressed note (VELOCITY) (this is something like the force of pressing a key)

    It is also unclear how to read the position of the PITCH BEND controller of the pitch range and the MODULATION controller.

    If you could add these features - I would pay you a little!

    The manufacturer of the milk

    link to the plugin construct.net/en/game-assets/addons/web-midi-3318

executer300183's avatar


Member since 16 Sep, 2015

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