Are you sure, that the Badge System works correct?
There is the "Forum User" Badge that should be awarded after posting 10 msg in the forum.
Strangely I have over 80 post, but no badge...
I just compiled a tutorial for this thread. Please let me know if you need further instructions.
Agreed, the rocket level seems very hard.
You should let the player now, that saving the girl means touching her. Also you should provide a way to "shortcut" the instructions.
I think the easiest solution is to take a two-dimensional Array, fill it with the "content" in one row and use the other row to mark if an item is allready selected.
Get an account at Upload the CAPX to the public folder an copy the link to the forum.
I think the only one I realy used is "Function" or is "Rotate" a 3rd party plug in as well?
This should do your trick
<img src="" border="0" />
Use Right-Click to select "Invert"
Please publish the CAPX or at least the code you use
Simply invert the condition....
<img src="" border="0" />
Basically you need a way to tell your stars appart (an instance variable, or its position maybe) and a way to store their status across layout (global variables or global array)
I like to use BINARIES for that kind of storage, but this is not straight forward in C2.
You can asign a bit for each star an flip them if collected.
Can i ask how you got the pinball flippers working? I want to use something like that in a game of mine
Have a look at the CAPX
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Member since 22 Nov, 2011