...and as another behaviorless example there is this:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/aondowy4ycjgl ... .capx?dl=1
Click drag to mark start and end points.
I took dop2000's map, added in the event based astar shortest path search i've made previously, added some setup events to generate nodes at the corners of the walls, and then finally did an event based los to create a connection graph.
It works pretty well, I thought it would be slow. There are a few things that could be done to improve it.
* The corners can be moved closer in. Too close may cause issues with the los and generation though.
* Only unrotated boxes work for walls with this. Rotated boxes or arbitrary polygon shapes can be done. The generation and cleanup of the nodes in setup would need to be modified.
* The mesh is kind of ugly, so another idea is to build in an editor in the game to be able to give more manual control if need be. Tweaking the whole thing to be more navmesh like would be nice.
Anyways, that was fun.
I hope you keep working at this. What exactly can be done with this in regards to having sprites move along the path one draws out?