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  • Short answer is no on the webGL stuff. Trust me.

  • Maybe you can try "Pin Object" for the item when performing a "Grab Item" action, followed by the "Unpin Object" when you perform a "Throw Item" action?

  • Thanks for the responses. The .capx file looks a little off but could probably be adjusted. I will definitely try out both suggestions when I get a chance.

  • I'm thinking of ideas for game mechanics and one of them has the player using a magnifying glass object moving around by mouse to find another object. Have any developers here created a game build that simulates such an action? I think I have an idea of how to achieve it with events but I wanted to know if anyone else has done this. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Seeing as how you're developing this, you must know about the many bajillion match-3 games out there and how they actually work. I... don't. What exactly is the gameplay system/rule set that most of these games follow? Is your game build following a particular game and will it be possible to adjust things to a developer's own rules?

    I'm totally looking forward to working with your game build/template in the future.

  • "Use multiple Event Sheets - this will enable you to try many different variations of game mechanics by just 'Including' the relevant sheet. "

    This is something I've only recently seen used in another developer's game build. It's actually the reason why my attempt at replicating it didn't work properly until I used the "include" event.

    I'll definitely consider the separate even sheets.

  • After performing some more work on my game build, I'm looking to improve/fix any of my coding in the Events Sheets. Everything I've implemented seems to work fine. Eventually I'll make things look far more organized. Any help would be appreciated.


  • I'll have to look over a path-finding tutorial since I haven't used it yet. Hopefully this can produce the results that I want. I also really just want some sort of great example of a beat em up made in Construct 2 already.

  • Well, I have my Player and my Enemy moving towards each other. And that's about it.

    The tutorial developer's .capx file includes having an instance variable on the Enemy for the STATE of "walking" but I wasn't able to even change it in the events tab. Not sure what the issue with it it.

    I'm not sure how to go about figuring out when the Enemy should even detect the player (collision with object OR comparing X,Y variables). I tried the X,Y and it's just awful mixed results (not getting the Enemy to return to walking, not sure of distance). Anyone has any clues as to what to use, I could use some help.

    Well, I have my Player and my Enemy moving towards each other. And that's about it.

    The tutorial developer's .capx file includes having an instance variable on the Enemy for the STATE of "walking" but I wasn't able to even change it in the events tab. Not sure what the issue with it it.

    I'm not sure how to go about figuring out when the Enemy should even detect the player (collision with object OR comparing X,Y variables). I tried the X,Y and it's just awful mixed results (not getting the Enemy to return to walking, not sure of distance). Anyone has any clues as to what to use, I could use some help.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2peztm94xwfl ... .capx?dl=0

  • Thanks. I'll have to look those over sometime. It would be nice if all of these plugins had a video/gif demonstration but no worries.

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  • I have some things in mind for making simple transition effects between layouts. But I wanted to know if any of the experience developers here have some tips to putting a transition together OR any of their own effects they use from time to time. I also wanted to know if the size of animated sprites makes any significant difference in having your game run properly (browser or download), seeing as how I want to use an animation for a transition effect in my trials. Any help would be appreciated.

  • So is "choose" just an action built into Construct 2 that will always perform a random variable name in any event it's found?

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