Solomon's Recent Forum Activity

  • I have exported my game to NWjs and it is playing differenly than in my Chrome browser...

    The values and speeds are different once in game preview (altough they are the same for both in the capx file - it is the same file from which I exported both), how is this possible?

  • I am having some issues which have been posted here:

    Now I do not expect anyone to read such a long thread, I would like to ask briefly if anyone had problems with vsync or tearing or stutter problems in games created with Construct 2. If yes how did you overcome them?

    I am trying different options, turning on Vsync and Gsync (graphics cards = Nvidia Geforce GTX 960) and trying to limit FPS with no luck to be honest.

    I cant seem to be able to get rid of the problem.

    Ps. I have a 60Hz refresh rate monitor.

  • Ok time for an update.

    I bought Construct 2 personal license, exported my game using NWjs, and the stutters are a little bit less noticable but they are still there. Additionally I am getting tearing now. I am changing the vsync and gsync values in my graphics card but dont seem to get any results. Do these work for html5 or NWjs files in terms of fixing tearing?

  • It seems that browsers (at least chrome, don't know about FF) are limited to 60FPS or maybe fix at 60FPS. Is it possible that the screen refresh of your graphic card is set to something other than 60FPS? And if you switch the screen resolution you switch the refresh rate too?

    I think you might be on to something.. I can set limit the frame rate for games ànd did so now to 60 FPS, but how to do it for Windows and browser?

    Using the Construct 2 in debug mode (now previewing in Chrome) shows that the FPS is 60, but might that be not so?


    I think Ive found some settings using an external Nvidia app, still Im having trouble. Getting into a lower res helps a lot, I need to do some reading on these issues regrding vsync tearing and FPS.

    Did you have any FPS problems/ tearing? How did you go about fixing them?

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  • Hmm interesting. I wonder if it could be a problem with my Power Supply Unit or as I said some piece of hardware. Need to get to the bottom of this, some heavy troubleshooting ahead, even if it means trying to isolate each component piece by piece.

  • Im interested what kind of games have you created and published? What kind of bugs have you got? I plan on buying Construct 2 and would like some more information on the problems you are having with publishing, for future reference and to know what to expect.

  • No internet doesnt help.

    All Windows updates are installed now.

    In safe mode I couldnt make a preview from Construct 2.

    Regarding the game you proposed, I dont feel the lag there, it seems that is affects html5 games. Ill try some other games as well.

    That is the problem, if I want to make games in html5 and Im getting a lag there, well that maybe isnt the way to go. But Im not giving up just yet.

    I have posted on a few techy forums for help, and we will see how it goes.

    Its strange that this issue is resolution dependant like Ive posted before. It may be because of the monitor or graphics cards.. I dont know. But Ive tested on 2 monitors and both of them have the same problem, but both have a refresh rate of 60hz. This happens when I set a max resolution on these monitors. If I go lower the problem disapears on 1 monitor (but I get a blurry desktop), and on the other one is produced less.

    Anyway thanks for your time and help, will update this thread once I find something out.

  • I did as you instructed, pulled up the task manager and set the highest usage of the procesor descending from top, to see if there is something that pops up.

    The 99% at the top is idle (in Polish language).

    I did find something but it is not in sync with the lags I am getting. Firefox is jumping places every now and then, swapping for into second place, but I guess that its because it is using the 1% of processor power and the rest is using 0.

    Do you think that is relevant?

  • LittleStain

    Yes, but on my end once the worst part at the beginning is over, every second I have a stutter...

  • Ive created another one, this one seems more busy and I even did not do anything to keep my computer busy.

  • [quote:3g2vd14b]Do you have installed Windows, Construct and the Browsers all on drive C or some exotic drive like J or Y?

    Maybe this could cause a problem in finding the browsers.

    Nope, Ive installed everything on a C:\ drive. Ive got a 2GB hard drive without any partitions, and clean after the format (well now it has some hardware testing utilities as I have been testing the temperature of my graphics card and processors, as well as the fans whether they are working or not and all is ok in this matter).

    I have done as you suggested but still cant figure out much from the graph?

  • Asmodean

    Once again thanks for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it.

    Turning off the antivirus in the background does not make a difference.

    My graphics card is a Geforce960. I am looking into micro stuttering and vsync as you suggested (I did have tearing in the past) but Im not sure this is the case in this situation.

    The issue is that every second (or 60 frames) the smooth movement of a moving sprite is interupted with a micro stutter (I think I can call it that as to your previous post).

    As you might imagine this is really annoying and makes for testing games more difficult as Im wont be sure if its the micro stuttering causing lag or simply too much data in my game.

    I do have the same lag in games here on Scirra in the arcade section, so that shows that is not only when I preview my game.

    As for the vsync problem in my card, the vsync is turned off at the moment and I dont see any tearing but I still do see the micro stutters. I need to do some more research, in the meantime any more suggestions are very welcome.


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