dazzy's Recent Forum Activity

  • As I begin to work on the project testing think, I found that using one of the templates, like empty 16:9 portrait works.



  • Yea, Still was not able to get sound. Could it be the Mime type? Could some one give an example of how a Web.config file should look. Could be helpfully. When I change mine it give me a server 500 error.


  • I'm also having trouble with sound. Works fine on my localhost. But once loaded to my webhost no sound.

    testing on Azure and Godaddy none work.


    I took my game off and uploaded the demo game of Match Game. I continue to have problems.

    Read all of the forum tag about sound.

  • Uploaded in dropbox..The play button(or Text) and the About Us Button (or Text) are active, but will not work on my website. In the localhosts works fine.


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  • I think this will work...But you will have to load to website.


  • I have a game that uses touch on object, the objects are text. The touch work fine with my local server and WIFI to my mobile device. However when I load the exported HTML 5 to my website some of the touch will not work. One will, one will not. Again work great on my localhost and using my device on WIFI. But once loaded to my webserver only one seems to work.


  • I'm working with the memory match game as well. Having a hard time getting the game to size to my phone. The screen is showing to much of the layout. Note of the sizing seem to help using the Fullscreen in Browser option. However just about every other sample game works.

    1. The cards are too big

    or the cards are two small for the mobile device.

    Trying to use modify the HTML 5, viewport <meta> tag does not work not much control.. using the Intel XDK or Dreamweaver CC. seems to me if I trying doing a web app I could size it to fix my mobile device.


  • I re-install construct 2, it seems to be working now.

    Hopefully that fixed the problem.


  • Having a problem with opening my preview.js. This happens when I run my project. Some project run ok, other get the error.

    Error during export: Cannot open file.


    just starting happening. Construt 2 Release 212.2 64 bit Build 13:01:37 Aug 21 2015



  • Thanks no luck yet.


  • Sorry would love to upload screen shots but don't know how.

    Again this is the Memory Match Game, done by Kittiewan.

    Any help out there?


  • Thanks so much.

    Not sure I can use Text Object or Spritefont, because the face care are in the animation editor.

    Would love to upload pic, but don't know how.

    ...Not clear. The writing on the face card is two small and unclear. If I push the size of the card up to read the card is too big.

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Member since 20 Aug, 2015

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