Karsten's Recent Forum Activity

  • The dropbox isn't loading Gearworkdragon (I'm tagging you every time since I'm new to forums and don't know if you would get notified if I didn't tag you)

  • Also, Gearworkdragon, the generation I'm trying to clone is gen 5

  • Well, thank you Glad to see you're willing to help and I'm also glad to see a dragon username.

    So, basically what you're saying is I have to set a variable for the tall grass to a variable. Whenever I take a step the number decreases by 1, and when it hits zero, a battle begins. But how do I make it a more random chance, with at least 2 random encounters per route? Have any suggestions for that?

    The difficulties I'm having are

    -creating the battle scene. It's the most important aspect of Pokemon

    -moving into buildings and new routes. In my past experience with Construct, whenever the character was teleported to a new location, the camera would just whiz past, instead of jumping instantly to the area.

    -I also need help with generating and keeping stats of pokemon (like IVs, personality, level, gender, etc.) and saving information about previously battled trainers

    -Creating a fakemon pokedex :/ That's kind of obvious


    -Eyecatches for entering special areas

    I'm much newer than you, but hey, we could probably improve by a lot by working on these projects

  • Okay, then please tell me what I need to specify. And, like I said earlier, I am actively searching for functions, tutorials, and the like.

  • All I really need are specifics to this feed, but mostly I need help on making a cutscene, opening a different menu whenever I get into battles (pokemon fans should know what I mean, and if not, I'll clarify), calculating "random encounters" in tall grass, and, whenever teleportation happens, the camera moves along with it instantaneously.

    Now, I am trying to study this stuff as well, but some outside help from people who already know how to do this would be appreciated very much.

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  • Can't find tutorials I need... so... I'll post what I need to here and you guys can give me tuts!


    -Basic 4-Direction shooter game

  • Yeah, you're right...

    -looks at tutorials-

    -gets buried by the sheer number-

    Can't I just learn here?

  • Hello! I'm very new to Construct 2 but I need help making a rather complex game. The things I need help with are:

    -Randomized Enemy Drops

    -Inventory System


    -Customizable Controls

    -Choices that affect the difficulty of the game, and also the ending

    -Pokemon style movement

    -...basically everything else

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Member since 13 Aug, 2015

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