Thanks for the feedback everyone; and for the donation —
I've added some basic functionality to the plugin.
Cnds::HasLooped - has animation looped
Cnds::HasLoopedCount - has animation looped N times
Acts::SetSkin - set skin key
Acts::SetPrevSkin - set to previous skin
Acts::SetNextSkin - set to next skin
Acts::SetAnim - set animation key; resets loop count if different
Acts::SetPrevAnim - set to previous animation; resets loop count
Acts::SetNextAnim - set to next animation; resets loop count
Acts::SetTime - set animation playback time
Acts::SetRate - set animation playback rate (can be negative)
Acts::ResetLoopCount - reset animation loop count
Exps::GetTime - get animation playback time
Exps::GetLength - get animation length
Exps::GetRate - get animation playback rate