Hi, everyone, my name is Paul.
I've been a gamer my entire life, and I think it is only natural for anyone who loves anything that they want to someday create something they love. To that end, I've made a happy 5 year and ongoing marriage for myself and my wife, and we've been raising our two beautiful twin boys for 2 and a half years now. Recently, we moved across the country in search of better jobs and schools for our kids.
During the move, I dug up a lot of notebooks. If I'm right, we all have them. Pages and pages of scrawled ideas for interfaces, menu screens, gameplay notes, character designs, and world building. Sketches for bosses and power ups and all sorts of things that come to you in the middle of the night or when you're bored.
And if there's something about me that annoys the hell out of my wife, it's that I'll often start something and then never finish it. So, with a new place to live, I figure now is as good a time as any to get serious about something, I've had so many ideas over the years that at least ONE of them should be worth a good game. After getting moved in and establishing an internet connection, I cast a look around for something to help me do just that, and here I am.
I've made a complete game years ago in Games Factory when I really had no idea what I was doing, and going back to it years later it's pretty terrible. I have some experience with all sorts of programs, like Game Maker, many iterations of RPG Maker, and the Adventure Games Studio, but a lack of time or interest on my part has doomed those previous projects. This one looks promising, though, and I think I've got some good ideas to get me started.
Here's hoping I'm not wrong. Pleasure to meet you all.