[quote:39na4p0c]For colissions does the plug in base them on the shape of the images? Or can it look up the colissions boxes feature of spine?
I haven't added support for collisions yet. When I do, I'll try to add support for both simple collision boxes for region attachments as well as boundingbox attachments.
[quote:39na4p0c]Small bug found: When using the "set next skin" action at run time, it cycles to a blank one before wrapping around back to the first one again.
The SetPrevSkin and SetNextSkin functions will iterate through all the skins, including the default skin. The default skin in the goblins-mesh project is mostly empty, except for a shield, spear, etc.
[quote:39na4p0c]When using "set next anim", or "set anim" it seems to start midway into the animation, instead of at the beginning of it.
The SetAnim, SetPrevAnim and SetNextAnim functions do not modify the pose time. This is by design, so you can transition to the same point in an animation without popping to the beginning. For example, switching from walk to run. The functions will, however, wrap the time into the range of the new animation. If you want to start the next animation at the beginning, simply call SetTime(0).